Agenda item


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Shared City Partnership of 8th August, including the recommendations:






·        to accept the thematic extension and budget modifications from SEUPB, as follows:


        SSS - an extension from 31st December, 2022 to 30th June, 2023;


        CYP - an extension from 31st December, 2022 to 31st March 2023;


        BPR - an extension from 31st December, 2022 to 31st March 2023;


        CYP5 - the reallocation of £12,995 of funding from external expertise  

                                to salaries;

·        to uplift the planned contract by up to £5,205, due to increased venue/catering costs;


·        to illuminate the City Hall on 21st September in the colours of the United Nations, to mark International Day of Peace; and


·        to facilitate a visit to the Forth Meadow Community Greenway by the Causeway Coast and Glens PEACE PLUS Partnership.


            Children and Young People


·        CYP 1 - to realign 15 participants between lots, with Lot 1 (age 6 - 11) increasing by 15 participants and Lot 2 (age 12-16) reducing by 15 participants; and


·        CYP 5 – to reclassify a total of 18 participants (12 from West Belfast 2, and 6 from East Belfast Networks) from core participants to peer participants.


            Shared Spaces and Services


·        with the commencing of the bridge naming in Springfield Park, there should be support from other Council officers with relevant experience in similar naming processes; and


·        the next steps for the development of the Governance Model to include Senior Managers to meet to discuss and agree the required coordination roles and resources, upon receipt of a final report.

            Building Positive Relations

·       BPR 6 - to agree, in principle, a further extension to November 2022 to St. Comgall’s, as confirmed with the delivery partner.


Good Relations


·        to approve funding towards the following projects:


                     BCC7: Interface Programme

        Upper North Belfast Capacity Building and Engagement Project, with North Belfast Interface Network as the lead partner for Twaddell Ardoyne Shankill Communities in Transition: £9,500; and


        East Belfast Enterprises - towards a large-scale interface engagement programme in Inner East Belfast with a number of local groups and organisations: £15,000.


                     BCC9: East Belfast Strategic Intervention

        East Belfast Alternatives - Enhancing Community Connections: £8,000;


        Youth Initiatives - Children and Young People Project: £2,000; and

        East Belfast Sure Start - Exploring Heritage and Culture - £2,000.

Quarter 1 Update

·       to note the contents of this report, particularly the allocation of £124,275.50 to grants through the Good Relations Small Grant Scheme 22/23; and


·        to note the allocation of £4,300 to the City Church Intervention project, and £12,000 to the Falls Community Council Strategic Intervention project under BCC9 by delegated authority, as previously agreed.

Part 2 - PEACEPLUS 1.1 Local Community Action Plan Update

·        to agree to the recently appointed consultants Locus Management (with support from Blu Zebra) to further work up the evolving Co-design Framework for developing the PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan;

·        to agree that consultants attend Part 2 of the SCP meetings where PEACE PLUS is discussed from September 22 until the Plan was submitted to SEUPB to provide further updates and advice on the codesign and development of the 1.1. Co-Designed Local Community Peace Action Plan for Belfast;

·        to approve the amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Shared City Partnership to include the scope of oversight and responsibility relating to the PEACE PLUS Local Community Peace Action Plan with the caveat around inclusion of the terms  ‘Co-Production and Co-Design’;

·        to note that a Draft Partnership Agreement would need to be drawn up to submit with the Local Community PEACE Action Plan, similar to that drawn up and signed for the PEACE IV Action Plan. Officers will consult with Legal Services regarding the terms of the agreement and this would be brought to a future Partnership meeting;

·        to note that a Code of Conduct would be circulated to Members of the Shared City Partnership for signature after the August meeting;

·        to note the financial allocation model for the Belfast PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan; and

·        to note the updates from the recent Public Information Sessions and Shared City Partnership workshop.


Supporting documents: