The Building Control Manager submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues
1.1 To consider an application for the grant of a Seven-Day Annual Outdoor Entertainments Licence for the following premises, based on the Council’s standard conditions, to provide outdoor musical entertainment for:
Area and Location Ref. No. Applicant
Central Catholic Club, WK/2020/02063 Patrick McAviney
43a Rosemary Street Club Chairman
Belfast, BT1 1QB
1.2 A location map is attached at Appendix 1.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 Taking into account the information presented and any representations made in respect of the application you are required to make a decision to either:
a) Approve the application for the grant of the 7-Day Annual Outdoor Entertainments Licence, or
b) Approve the application for the grant with special conditions, or
c) Refuse the application for the grant of the 7-Day Annual Outdoor Entertainments Licence.
2.2 If an application is refused, or special conditions are attached to the licence to which the applicant does not consent, then the applicant may appeal the Council’s decision within 21 days of notification of that decision to the County Court. In the case that the applicant subsequently decides to appeal, outdoor entertainment may not be provided until any such appeal is determined.
3.0 Main Report
Key Issues
3.1 The applicant has applied to provide musical entertainment in the form of live music, within an outdoor area adjacent to the Club’s main building. The club has an existing indoor Entertainments Licence.
3.2 A layout plan is attached at Appendix 2.
3.3 The standard days and hours for an Outdoor Entertainments Licence are:
· Monday to Sunday: 11.30 am to 11.00 pm.
Members are reminded that all applications for the grant of Outdoor Entertainments Licences must be brought before Committee for consideration.
3.4 No written representation has been received as a result of the public notice of the application.
3.5 The Police Service of Northern Ireland has been consulted in relation to the application and has confirmed that it has no objection to the application.
3.6 The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service has been consulted in relation to the outdoor application and has confirmed that it has no objection to the application.
Health, Safety and Welfare
3.7 The applicant is developing a management plan outlining how the area will be managed to ensure the health and safety of their patrons and staff.
3.8 The applicant has provided the Service with a noise impact assessment report from an acoustic consultant for the outdoor area, which has been forwarded to our Environmental Protection Unit (EPU) for evaluation.
3.9 The provision of only amplified background music and the performance of live small acoustic bands is proposed, and should Members be minded to grant the Outdoor Entertainments Licence the licensee is content for a special condition to this effect be placed on the licence.
3.10 Members are reminded that the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 gives the Council additional powers in relation to the control of entertainment noise after 11.00 pm.
3.11 The applicant, and/or their representative will be available at your meeting to answer any queries you may have in relation to the application.
3.12 A supplementary letter from the applicant outlining their reasons for applying for an outdoor licence is attached at Appendix 3.
4.0 Financial and Resource Implications
5.0 Equality or Good Relations Implications/
Rural Needs Assessment
There are no issues associated with this report.”
The Committee approved the application for the grant of the 7-Day Annual Outdoor Entertainments Licence.
Supporting documents: