Agenda item


            (Mr. S. Leonard, Neighbourhood Services (OS Portfolio Lead), attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the consultation exercise carried out in relation to the Alleygate Phase 5 sites.


            The report outlined the consultation process that had been undertaken, detailing that a letter. containing a questionnaire, had been issued to 2000 properties within the proposed Phase 5 gating location areas.  The Members were advised that, due to a low response in July, a further letter had been reissued to properties who had not completed the original survey, with a closing date for the end of August.


            The Committee considered the responses and noted that there had been a number of objections received, it was felt by officers that many of these were access concerns which could be addressed during the installation period.  It was also noted that consultation with the Department for Infrastructure and PSNI had taken place, with support for the locations and ‘Agreement in Principle’ having been received for the proposed gating locations.


            The Strategic Director then drew the Members’ attention to advice from Legal Services, following its review of the findings. 


            The Committee noted the unprecedented level of objections received, higher than any other previous phases of Alleygates.  It was noted that there had been difficulties with the consultation and that the low number of returns might be due to this being the first time an online consultation process had been used. Previous consultations had used door to door canvassers, who could aid residents in completing the survey forms. The consultation had been accessed over 800 times but only 694 online forms had been completed. 


            The Committee noted that the next stage of the Alleygating process would be to move directly to the public notification, by sending a Notice of Intention to each property stating that Belfast City Council sought to make a Gating Order, however, it was suggested that, at this stage, the Council would instead re-open the consultation process, using canvassers to revisit those properties who had not completed the online survey.  It was felt that this might help to improve the level of responses across the programme area and assist to move the programme towards the notification period and to provide the Council with a more robust evidence base upon which to decide whether to progress to the next stage in the alleygating process.


            Several Members voiced their frustration that this process was taking so long to progress and noted that many of the constituents were eagerly awaiting the installation of these gates, some of which had been made and were ready to be installed. 


            Following a query as to why those streets which had not received any objections could not be progressed, the Strategic Director advised that it would be more cost effective to undertake as one complete phase of works.


            The Members discussed the challenges of consulting through letters and the complexity of the questionnaire issued, especially for their older constituents.  In considering alternative consultation options, it was suggested that local community/leisure facilities could be used.  Whilst officers undertook to investigate this alternative, it was noted that this might not be suitable for older people with mobility issues.  The Members also asked to be given a list of those streets with properties that had not responded to enable them to liaise with their constituents in advance of the canvassing occurring to help them understand the process and officers undertook to clarify if this would be possible.


            Several Members highlighted that they were keen not to see this process held up any longer than necessary and, whilst they acknowledged that consultation was required for some of the areas, they were concerned that this was delaying all of the proposed alleygates.


            During discussion the Members also highlighted the ongoing issues with unadopted alleyways and it was proposed by Councillor R. Brooks, seconded by Councillor Kelly and agreed that the Council would convene a special meeting of the People and Communities to specifically consider the advancement and vesting of unadopted alleyways.


          Detailed discussion ensued, following which the Committee agreed:


·        to refer the list of proposed phase 5 alleygates to the Party Group Leaders with consideration to be given to progressing the streets that had not received any objections and how best to progress the next stage of canvassing, with a report to be submitted to the November meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee;


·        to clarify if Elected Members could be furnished with a list of those streets with properties that had residents that had not completed a survey prior to canvassing commencing; and 


·        agreed that a special meeting of the Committee be convened in January to consider the vesting of unadopted alleyways and that representatives from DfI and relevant stakeholders be invited to attend. 


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