Agenda item


            The Planning Manager provided the Committee with an overview of the applicationfor the erection of a 23-storey tower with lower 12 storey element, comprising 254 Build To Rent



            He outlined the following key issues for consideration of the application:


·        Principle of housing in this location;

·        Housing density;

·        Affordable housing;

·        Housing mix;

·        Adaptable and accessible accommodation;

·        Design and placemaking;

·        Public realm;

·        Impact on heritage assets;

·        Climate change;

·        Residential quality and impact on amenity;

·        Open space;

·        Access and transport;

·        Health impacts;

·        Environmental protection;

·        Flood risk and drainage;

·        Waste-water infrastructure;

·        Waste management;

·        Natural heritage;

·        Employability and Skills;

·        Section 76 planning agreement; and

·        Pre-application Community Consultation.


            He explained that the site was a suitable location for housing and the proposal would make effective use of previously developed land and support city centre living.  He stated that the height, scale and massing of the proposed building was considered in keeping with other tall buildings in City Quays and the wider area, including the slightly higher Obel Tower, situated to the south of the proposal.


            He reported that the proposal would provide no dedicated parking, however, it was considered acceptable given the highly sustainable location of the site, travel plan and commitment to green travel measures.


            The Planning Manager stated that application proposed the delivery of social housing at an alternative location at Pilot Street, which was supported by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. 


            He stated that, having regard to the Development Plan and material considerations, it was recommended that planning permission was granted, subject to conditions and a Section 76 planning agreement.


            The Chairperson welcomed Mr. P. Stinson, Turley and Mr. H. McConnell, RPP Architects, to the meeting.


            Mr. Stinson stated that he welcomed the recommendation to approve the application which was a joint application for affordable housing at Pilot Street and jointly, would deliver 325 homes, supporting the Council’s growth plans for city centre living.


            He explained that Belfast Harbour had been delivering on its masterplan since it was granted outline planning permission in 2014 to reimagine and revitalise the Belfast waterfront with the aim of connecting the harbour with the city centre and to deliver a regeneration project that would see the area as a place to work and live.


            He stated that residential accommodation was a key part of the masterplan to bring vibrancy to the area and complement existing office and hotel accommodation.  He added that the application was supported by a Section 76 Planning agreement to secure the delivery of the Pilot Street development, green travel measures and the implementation of a Construction Employability and Skills Plan.


            He concluded by stating that City Quays 4 was a key part of Belfast Harbour’s vision for City Quays and would complete the waterfront with an iconic building that was appropriately designed for its location and sympathetic and complementary to its neighbours.


            The Committee approved the application, subject to conditions and a Section 76 planning agreement, and resolving the outstanding transport and children’s play equipment requirements, and delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions and Section 76 planning agreement and deal with any other matters that might arise, provided that they were not substantive.


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