Agenda item


            The Director of Human Resources submitted the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues


1.1       To present the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and 3 year Action Plan to elected members.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Note the contents of this report.


3.0       Main report


            A cross departmental Health and Wellbeing Working Group which included trade union representation was established to refresh the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and develop a 3-year action plan. The strategy has been fully consulted on through the Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee (JNCC).


3.2       Health and Wellbeing Strategy Goals 


            The Strategy defines the type of organisation that the Council wants to be to support the health and wellbeing of our employees. That is, an organisation:


·        Where individuals feel valued and recognised for their contribution

·        With increased employee engagement/motivation

·        Where employees feel that they have the opportunity to develop

·        With reduced absenteeism

·        With good employee retention

·        Where employees are clear about their role

·        Where employees feel supported by their line manager

·        Where employees improve their physical and mental health


3.3       It is based on the four strands of Business in the Community’s Workwell Model. These are:


·        Better Work – Create good work and working conditions that enhance employee wellbeing.

·        Better Health & Wellbeing – Take a whole-person approach to wellbeing. The four pillars of wellbeing are physical, mental, financial and social health and wellbeing. All of which are inextricably linked.

·        Better Management – Make employee mental health ‘business as usual’ for all leaders and people managers.

·        Better Specialist Support – Take an inclusive and employee-led approach to providing support.


3.4       Implementation and communication


            Whilst the refresh of the strategy was ongoing, a programme of health and wellbeing activity was delivered and covered a range of topics including active travel, positive mental health, stress management, suicide awareness, finance, caring for carers and nutrition.


            The revised strategy builds on our existing policies and initiatives and provides a series of actions aimed at producing a more cohesive, structured and corporate approach to health and wellbeing across the council with activity meets the needs of the organisation and our employees. Corporate HR will work closely with Marcomms and departments to ensure that employees are made fully aware of the health & wellbeing initiatives that are available and provided with the opportunity to attend/engage in planned activities where possible.


3.5       A Health and Wellbeing Champions Network


            To help influence, drive and champion the programme of work, a network of health and wellbeing champions will be established. While the number of champions and role may vary across departments, roles and responsibilities will include:


·        acting as a role model for promoting positive health and wellbeing practice within your organisation, team and department  

·        linking in with the health and wellbeing leads or the person responsible for delivering the health and wellbeing strategy in the organisation

·        engaging with colleagues on health and wellbeing ideas/initiatives

·        signposting staff to the wellbeing support that is available providing support to health and wellbeing leads

·        encouraging colleagues to take breaks and to look after themselves, for example: drinking plenty of fluids, lunchtime walks, taking up hobbies

·        making sure that colleagues are taking time to reflect and be aware of their physical and mental health.


3.6       A programme of training and support including Mental Health First Aid, will be put in place for the champions. It should be noted that champions are not expected to provide advice to colleagues. Wellbeing champions are there to listen and signpost colleagues to further support and information, including if they require mental health support.


3.7       Governance, measurement and reporting.


            Progress on delivery of the actions will be reported to CMT on a six-monthly basis. These reports will measure progress on actual delivery against proposed timeframes. To measure the impact of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy the following qualitative and quantitative people performance indicators will be used:


·        % staff agree that that they have opportunities to discuss their personal development

·        % staff agree that there are opportunities for career growth

·        % staff agree that they receive feedback and that their contribution is valued and recognised

·        Continued retention of and improvement in external diversity accreditations and benchmarks

·        Attendance at and evaluation of events and training; both office based and frontline staff

·        Number of health checks carried out

·        Attendance management statistics and reasons for absence 

·        Staff turnover

·        Demand for counselling service

·        Active travel surveys


3.8       Progress reports will also be included in quarterly absence reports to the Audit and Risk Panel.


3.9       Financial and Resource Implications


            Costs associated with delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be met from the existing Corporate OD budget.  Indicative costs for Years 1, 2 and 3 of the Strategy are £9770, £8000, and £7000 respectively. Any specific departmental requirements will be met from departmental learning and development budgets.


            A full communication and awareness raising exercise for staff and managers will be implemented and directors will be required to ensure that the Strategy is fully communicated within their departments.


3.10      Equality or Good Relations Implications/Rural Needs Assessment


            The draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy has undergone equality and rural needs screening and has been screened out.”




Supporting documents: