The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update Committee on the progress of all Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance for which the Climate and City Resilience Committee is responsible for.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 It is recommended that the Climate and City Resilience Committee:
· Note the updates to all Notices of Motions and Issues Raised in Advance that this Committee is responsible for and
· Agree to the closure of Issues’ Raised in Advance 277, 278, 316 and 324 as referenced in Appendix 1 and paragraph 3.4 below.
3.0 Main report
3.1 At Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 25th October 2019, the following Notice of Motion was agreed:
“That this Council notes that other Councils produce a monthly status report in relation to Notices of Motion; and agrees Belfast City Council adopts a similar practice and produces a monthly Notice of Motion Update which will be brought to each full Council Meeting, detailing the following:
1. Date received
2. Notice of motion title
3. Submitted by which Councillor
4. Council meeting date
5. Committee motion is referred to
6. Outcome of committee where Notice of Motion will be debated
7. Month it will be reported back to committee
8. Other action to be taken.”
3.2 Following a review exercise, a new database containing all Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance at Committee was created and quarterly reporting to Committee commenced in March 2021.
Appendix 1 is the latest quarterly update showing all active Notices of Motions and Issues Raised in Advance which the Climate and City Resilience Committee is responsible for.
3.3 Closure of Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance
At Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 20th November 2020, it was agreed that Notices of Motion could be closed for one of two reasons:
· Notices of Motion which contained an action(s) that has been completed; and
· Notices of Motion have become Council policy.
3.4 The Climate and City Resilience Committee are asked to agree that the Issues’ Raised in Advance as outlined below are now closed:
Category 1 Recommended Closures:
· New Ireland Forum and Citizens’ Assemblies ( Ref 278) - This Issue Raised in Advance called on the Council to write again to the Taoiseach’s office regarding the establishment of a New Ireland Forum for the 21st Century, alongside a series of comprehensive Citizens’ Assemblies, to examine the practical, social and economic aspects of a New Ireland. The Council wrote again to the Taioseach Office on 23 January 2023 and as of yet no reply has been received. Therefore it is recommended that this Issue Raised in Advance is now closed.
· Felling of trees in Orangefield Park ( Ref 316) – This Issue Raised in Advance relates to the felling of approximately one hundred and seventy trees in Orangefield Park by contractors, acting on behalf of N.I.E. The Member requested to be furnished with information on the circumstances surrounding the decision to fell the trees, the agreement which was in place between the Council and N.I.E., the cost of the tree restoration programme and what legal redress the Council might have in the matter. At the Dec 23 Committee an update was provided by the Neighbourhood Services Manager on learning from the incident and changes to working practices associated with the tree cutting undertaken by contractors, working on behalf of NIE. Therefore it is recommended that this Issue Raised in Advance is now closed.
· Proposed agenda items for future meetings ( Ref 324) – This Issue Raised in Advance requested that consideration be given to the inclusion of four agenda items for discussion at suitable future dates. Two of the four themed presentations requested (Passivhouse and Embedded Carbon) were included in the Dec 23 Climate and City Resilience Committee. The other two items requested relate to active travel which is covered by the City Growth and Regeneration Committee. Therefore it is recommended that this Issue Raised in Advance is now closed.
Category 2 Recommended Closures:
· Energy Efficiency Education Programme for Citizens (Ref 277) – This Issue Raised in Advance made a recommendation that Belfast City Council should develop an energy efficiency campaign to educate and inform citizens around how to conserve energy use and attempt to reduce the financial pressures households will face,working alongside relevant partners in both government and the community sector. In 2022 an Energy Efficiency Campaign was run through the Community Planning team, producing advice materials, delivered in a targeted manner through community services, advice centres and outreach teams. A similar approach was taken during the 23/24 winter period, including energy efficiency guidance and tips being included in the 2023/2024 ‘Cost-of-Living Support Guide’. This work will be reviewed with the aim of developing resources that can be delivered on an ongoing basis and in a targeted manner. Therefore it is now recommended that this Issue Raise in Advance is now closed.
3.5 Financial and Resource Implications
There are no additional financial implications associated with this report.
3.6 Equality or Good Relations Implications/
Rural Needs Assessment
There are no equality, good relations or rural needs implications contained in this report.”
The Committee noted the updates to all Notices of Motions and Issues Raised in Advance that this Committee is responsible for and agreed to the closure of Issues’ Raised in Advance 277, 316 and 324 as referenced in Appendix 1 of the Notice of Motion Database.
The Committee agreed that the New Ireland Forum and Citizens’ Assemblies (Ref 278) be retained in the Notices of Motion and Issues’ Raised in Advance Database and that a further letter be sent to the newly appointed Taoiseach, Simon Harris TD, regarding the establishment of a New Ireland Forum for the 21st Century, alongside a series of comprehensive Citizens’ Assemblies, to examine the practical, social and economic aspects of a New Ireland.
Supporting documents: