Agenda item


            The Operational Director provided the Members with an update on the Alleygates Phase V Programme.


            The Members noted that the Notice of Intention for those streets meeting the threshold in Phase 5a had been advertised on 9th February for the required period of 30 days for representations and objections to be logged and he provided an overview of those representations and objections received.  He advised that the objections received had been reviewed with legal services and the advice was that the Council was not required to conduct a local enquiry and officers were recommending that the proposed gating order be enacted.


            Following a query, the Director advised that the work to evaluate the Alleygate programme would be progressing later in the year.


            He advised that the canvassers for Phase 5b had been recruited and those residents within the nominated areas would be given the opportunity to complete a hard copy questionnaire and return it in a Freepost envelope.  In addition, notification would be given that the canvassers would be visiting each household to complete surveys, should a form not be registered from that household. As previously requested, canvassers would contact those elected representatives who had expressed an interest in promoting the consultation.


            The Members noted that a request had been received from the Department for Infrastructure and Linen Quarter BID seeking to include Ventry Lane within the additional consultation areas. He advised that funding had been secured to include an additional gate within the gating programme. The Department for Infrastructure had agreed in principle to the proposal and the PCSP had been supportive of the initiative due to the high levels of drug related incidents at this location.


            The Committee approved the enacting of the legislation and agreed to the inclusion of an additional self-funded street within the Phase 5b consultation.


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