Agenda item


            The Committee considered the following report:


“1.0      Purpose of Report


            This report is to provide Members with further detail on Department for Communities (DfC) funding for Social Supermarkets in 24/25 and to seek their views on whether any level of council funding should be provided to allow increased allocations to successful applicants. The report follows discussion at SP&R meeting on 21st June and a request for further written detail on the issue.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


·        Note the recent advice from the Department of Communities regarding the 24/25 budget for Social Supermarkets and consider which option they wish to proceed with as outlined in 3.3.


3.0       Main Report


3.1       Members may recall that at the April committee meeting SP&R agreed to provide £122,627 to fund 21 Social Supermarket Projects (up to 70% of their requested budget ) in the absence of a Letter of Offer from DfC to fund this area of work. This allocation was made from the 24/25 Hardship Programme.



3.2       On 18th June DfC advised in writing that BCC will receive £672,687.77 funding for 24/25 Social Supermarket Fund. This is approximately £260k more than was granted last year. No Letter of Offer (LoO) has yet been received for this funding, the department has indicated verbally and in writing that the LoO will be issued by end of June 24.


3.3       This allocation is significantly more than Council was anticipating and would provide budget for awards of up to 85% of the recommended level to successful applicants. Members are asked to consider if they wish to make awards at this level using only DfC funds or if they want to retain a council contribution which would allow awards at 100% of the recommended figure to be made. These options are outlined below and further detail on awards is provided in Appendix 1.


o   Option 1


            The Social Supermarket Fund will be funded solely through DFC funding and this would allow 21 groups to receive 85% of their allocated funding award. The allocation of £122,627 from the Hardship Programme which was made to the Social Supermarket Fund 24/25 in the absence of DfC funding should be diverted back. This would provide a total budget of £223,400 for the 24/25 Hardship Programme.


o   Option 2


            Provide £113,057 from Hardship Programme to Social Supermarket budget 24/25. This would allow 21 groups to receive 100% of their recommended allocation and would provide a budget of £110,343 for the 24/25 Hardship Programme.


3.4       Members should note that any recommendations will be subject to formal receipt of a Letter of Offer from DfC.


3.5       Members may also note that it is challenging for funded groups to plan delivery of projects without clarity on the final allocation that they will receive. Whilst organisations welcome additional financial support they have highlighted the need for an early indication of their budget to ensure that resources are directed towards the times of greatest need.



3.6      Financial and Resource Implications


            There is currently £223,400 allocated identified from underspends for a Hardship Programme in 2024/25. However, any commitment to provide Council funding to Social Supermarket Projects will reduce the available budget for the Hardship Programme.


3.7       Equality or Good Relations Implications /

            Rural Needs Assessment


            An Equality Screening and Rural Needs Assessment was undertaken for the delivery of the 2024/25 Social Supermarket programme.”




            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor R. McLaughlin.

            Seconded by Councillor Garrett,


That the Committee agrees to adopt option 2 as set out in the report.




            Moved by Councillor de Faoite,

            Seconded by Councillor Whyte,


            That the Committee agrees to adopt option 1.


      The Committee agreed to vote by show of hands on which of the two options they supported.


            Eight Members voted for option 2 and two Members for option 1.


            Accordingly, the Committee adopted option 2, that is:


            To provide £113,057 from the Hardship Programme to the Social Supermarket budget 2024/25, which would allow 21 groups to receive 100% of their recommended allocation and would provide a budget of £110,343 for the 2024/25 Hardship Programme.


Supporting documents: