Agenda item


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from the Waterfront Task Group to invite Members of the City Growth and Regeneration and the members of the Planning Committee to attend a presentation on the progress of the Belfast Waterfront Framework, followed by a boat tour along the lower Lagan waterfront area providing an overview of the of the proposals included within the Framework and to receive an update on the work of the Maritime Belfast Trust in preserving, developing and promoting the Maritime Mile. Representatives from Maritime Belfast Trust, Belfast Harbour Commissioners and Titanic Quarter Ltd would be in attendance along with officers from the Council, and it was suggested that the visit would take place in October.


            The Committee was reminded that a Waterfront Task Group had been established to develop a focused approach to the Belfast waterfront, aligned to the A Bolder Vision key move ‘Embracing the River’. The Task Group, chaired by the Council’s Chief Executive and consisting of Maritime Belfast Trust, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, Titanic Quarter Ltd, Department for Communities, Department for the Economy, Tourism NI, Odyssey Trust and Department of Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs commissioned a detailed analysis of the waterfront area from the Ormeau Road Bridge to Thompsons Dock.


            The Committee was also reminded that consultants, Schulze + Grassov, had undertaken a detailed analysis of over 10km of the waterfront, compiling analysis on the completed and pending developments, as well as identifying the catalyst opportunities and gaps in infrastructure to maximise the social, economic and environmental opportunities that existed along the waterfront. This work also undertook to identify the existing and proposed projects emerging from within the adjacent communities, and to identify catalyst opportunities to connect these projects and the local communities to the wider education, employment and leisure facilities along the waterfront corridor. This work was carried out in consultation with a range of stakeholders, including local communities, through online surveys and a dedicated charrette style design workshop. In addition, a specific Waterfront Neighbourhood Network had been established to build relationships and support ongoing engagement with the Task Group. It was noted that the network would be asked to nominate two representatives to sit on the Task Group going forward to ensure representation and feedback.


            It was reported that the Waterfront Task Group had also proposed a study visit to Copenhagen in November 2024 for members of the Task Group and members of the Waterfront Neighbourhood Network. The study visit would explore best practice examples of a leading waterfront city in terms of how the city engaged with the water’s edge, how the public realm integrated art and maritime heritage, and how the area engaged and connected to the local communities and the wider city. The trip would be subsided by Maritime Belfast Trust reducing the costs for organisations to approximately £550 per attendee for travel, accommodation and food. Members were asked to approve the attendance of the Chairperson (or his nominee), the Chief Executive and up to two officers on the study visit.


            During discussion, in relation to the presentation of the Belfast Waterfront Framework area, the Director of City Regeneration and Development advised that that there was a forthcoming meeting of the Neighbourhood Network in October. She advised that the Network included the Markets, Sailortown, Eastside, LORAG, the Dock, Titanic Quarter Residents and representatives from these groups had also been invited to the study visit to Copenhagen.


            One Member highlighted that water ways and ecological groups should also be included in the consultation review process, such as the Lagan Navigation Trust. 


            Members highlighted the importance of including community views in the progression of the Framework. It was suggested that the Neighbourhood Network representatives were invited to the forthcoming boat tour and presentation and be given the opportunity to input into the Copenhagen tour objectives. 


            The Director of City Regeneration and Development advised that feedback would be provided to the Waterfront Task Group on the issues which had been raised.


            After discussion, the Committee:


                                I.     Agreed to attending the boat tour and presentation of the Belfast Waterfront Framework area and that a request be made to the Waterfront Task Group to invite community representatives to also attend; and


                               II.     Agreed to the Chairperson of the Committee or his nominee, the Chief Executive and up to two Council Officers attending the proposed Waterfront Task Group study visit to Copenhagen.


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