Agenda item


The Director OSSS and Resources and Fleet reported that a request had been received from Aiken Promotions seeking to use the Boucher Road Playing Fields for a minimum of 1 show and a maximum of 6 shows during a 4-week period in either May, June or July, 2026 through to 2030 inclusive.  The Promoter had also requested the use of Botanic Gardens for a minimum of 1 show and a maximum of 9 shows during a 4-week period in either May, June or July, 2026 through to 2030 inclusive.


            The Committee noted that, whilst it was recognised that a 5-year commitment with the promotor assisted them in securing headline acts, this represented a sizeable commitment from the Council. Therefore, it was important that that any permission given to the promoter permitted the Council to review it and amend it should other priorities arise for any of the proposed sites, for example, improvements to the site under the Council’s Capital programme and/or pitch improvement programme.


            The Members discussed the request in detail and several of the Members referred to the Pitches Strategy, which was currently pending and stated that they wished, where possible, to see the Boucher Road Playing Fields used for sport, especially in light of the stress that organisations were under on a weekly basis trying to secure a pitch allocation for their relevant sport and he reiterated the need to ensure that flexibility was built into any agreement.


            The Director OSSS and Resources and Fleet provided a reassurance that, as with other similar requests, multiple year approval would be subject to annual review and added that the promoter would have to confirm specific dates annually and no later than six months in advance of the proposed event date.


            A Member also referred to the engagement process with local residents around the events at Boucher Road and sought clarification as to what was required from the promoters to ensure consistency across the promoters and other Council venues.


            Following detailed consideration the Committee:


·             granted authority to the applicant to hold up 9 concerts at Botanic Gardens during a 4-week period in either May, June or July 2026 – 2030 inclusive; and


·             agreed that the request for the Boucher Road Playing fields would be considered on a yearly basis, pending the outcome of the pitches strategy.


            The Committee further agreed that events seeking multiple year approval would be subject to annual review, with the Strategic Director of City and Neighbourhood Services having the authority, under the scheme of delegation, to remove the permission for subsequent years based on officer recommendation or to reflect corporate priorities for the site, for example, the outcome of the pending Pitches Strategy.  


            Granted delegated authority to the Director of Neighbourhood Services to negotiate satisfactory terms and conditions of use via an appropriate legal agreement prepared by the City Solicitor, including managing final booking confirmation dates and flexibility around ‘set up’ and take down’ periods, and booking amendments, subject to:


-        The promoter resolving any operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

-        The promotor carrying out appropriate resident and community engagement

-        The promoter meeting all the statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Control Service including the terms and conditions of the Park’s Entertainment Licence;

-        The promotor confirming specific event dates annually, no later than six months in advance of the proposed event date; and

-        A review clause, to allow for consideration of any issues during previous events and any other Council priorities that arise for both sites.


            The Committee:


·        noted that the fee for the use of Belfast Parks was detailed in the departmental pricing schedule and was subject to change as part of the annual pricing review; and


·        that the above recommendations were taken as a pre-policy position, in advance of the Council agreeing a more structured framework and policy for ‘Events’, which was currently being taken forward in conjunction with the Council’s Commercial Team.


            It was further agreed that an update would be sought from the Council’s Commercial Team as to the status of the ongoing review into the framework and policy for Events and also on the progress of the Pitches Strategy Report.          


Supporting documents: