Agenda item


The Committee considered a request that had been received from Jordan Events Ltd. seeking to host a Christmas Spectacular Winter Ice experience in Botanic Gardens from 15th November 2024 to 2nd January 2025 and noted that the proposed event would include the following fixtures:


·        Christmas Market Stalls;

·        Ice Museum;

·        Ice Rink and slide;

·        Big Wheel;

·        Public bar and food offering; and

·        Décor features.


            Following a query from a Member, the Director OSSS and Resources and Fleet confirmed that there would be no entry fee for this event, however, some of the fixtures detailed above would be charged for individually.  He also confirmed that the park would not close for the event, stating that it would have longer opening hours than it normally would have at that time of year, which would help to animate the space.  He added that the organisers had indicated that approximately 10 days either side of the event operating dates would be required for event build and derig, however, there would be no requirement to close the park.


            Following a query regarding the illumination of other parks, the Director advised the Members that this issue was being addressed as part of the Capital Programme discussions.


            At the request of a Member, the Director undertook to liaise with the event promoter to discuss the possibility of future events taking place in other Council parks. 


            A Member asked the Director to ensure that due diligence of the applicants was undertaken to ensure the Council was achieving value for money.  The Director assured the Members that through due diligence checks would be undertaken and if any issue was highlighted or the Companies were not deemed to meet the required criteria a subsequent report would be submitted to the Committee.


            Following a further query, the Director undertook to ascertain which charity the promoter intended to donate to and to liaise with him directly and also noted that any decision regarding the distribution of the Social Fee for Botanic would be considered by the South Area Working Group in due course. 


            During discussion the Director also advised that the promoters had indicated that they would be keen to engage with residents at an early stage regarding the event to help mitigate for any issues that might arise.


            The Committee granted authority to the applicant for the proposed event on the dates noted, subject to due diligence of the applicant, the completion of the appropriate event management plans and satisfactory terms being agreed by the Director of City and Neighbourhood Services and on condition that the Event Organisers:


·        resolve all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;


·        meet all the statutory requirements including Public Liability Insurance cover, Health and Safety, and licensing responsibilities;


·        negotiate an appropriate fee for the use of the gardens; and


·        consult with the adjoining public bodies and local communities as necessary.


            The Committee noted that the above recommendations were taken as a pre-policy position, in advance of the Council agreeing a more structured framework and policy for ‘Events’, which was currently being taken forward in conjunction with the Council’s Commercial Team.


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