The Planning Manager explained that the site was in a sustainable location with access to and from the city centre via established walking, cycling and public transport connections and was located within a grouping of similar science-based buildings within the Titanic Quarter business community, that included the Catalyst managed Innovation Centre, White Star House and the Legacy buildings.
He provided the Committee with an overview of the application and highlighted the following key issues for consideration:
· Principle of development;
· Design and Placemaking;
· Impact on heritage assets;
· Climate change;
· Open space;
· Health impacts;
· Environmental protection;
· Flood risk and drainage;
· Waste-water infrastructure;
· Natural heritage;
· Waste management;
· Section 76 planning agreement; and
· Pre-Application Community Consultation.
He reported that DfI Roads had advised of agreement in principle and was satisfied that the proposal was unlikely to generate significant additional private vehicular trips over the extant permission. He added that DfI Roads had requested further engagement to achieve agreement of the management and monitoring of trips and sustainable transport, travel plan and service management plan which would be achieved through conditions and a planning agreement.
He stated that, having regard to the Development Plan and material considerations, it was recommended that planning permission was granted, subject to conditions and a Section 76 planning agreement.
The Chairperson welcomed Mr. P. Flemming, agent for the applicant, to the meeting.
Mr. Flemming stated that the proposed new facility would be known as Momentum One Zero (M1.0) and aimed to build on the internationally outstanding research capacity at ECIT. He added that M1.0 would be a nexus for co-innovation between researchers and industry in data security, connectivity and analytics where global and local companies, entrepreneurs and researchers would come together.
He explained that the project was being delivered through the Belfast Region City Deal and was one of three Innovations Centres which included the iREACH health facility on the Lisburn Road which had been previously approved by the Committee.
He stated that the planning process had involved a constructive pre-application discussion process and that there had been no objections from consultees and on third party representations submitted. He explained that a Section 76 planning agreement would deliver a travel fund for green travel measures and a site-specific travel plan.
He concluded by stating that the construction phase of the proposal would generate around 175 jobs over a two-year period and that the direct, full-time equivalent permanent employment in the facility would be 265 in the opening year of 2027/28 and expected to grow to an estimated 650.
The Committee granted planning permission, subject to conditions and a Section 76 planning agreement delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions and Section 76 planning agreement and to deal with any other issues that might arise, including a further detailed consultation response from DfI Roads, provided that the issues were not substantive.
(The Chairperson (Councillor Carson) left the meeting whilst the following item was under consideration, Deputy Chairperson (Councillor T. Brooks) in the Chair.)
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