Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room, City Hall

Contact: Eilish McGoldrick, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




            No apologies were reported.





            The minutes of the meeting of 15th and 29th January were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 3rd February.



Declarations of Interest


            Councillor R. McLaughlin declared an interest in item 3(a) Request to Present – Belfast Harbour Commissioners – Corporate Strategy 2025-2029, in that he was on the Board of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners and left the meeting whilst the item was under consideration.




Restricted Items


            The information contained in the reports associated with the following seven items was restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the members of the press and public from the meeting during discussion of the following items as, due to the nature of the items, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.


            Members were also reminded that the content of ‘restricted’ reports and any discussion which took place during closed session must be treated as ‘confidential information’ and that no such information should be disclosed to the public as per Paragraph 4.15 of the Code of Conduct.  



Housing Led Regeneration Update


            The Director of City Regeneration and Development provided the Committee with an update on a number of strands within the Housing Led Regeneration programme of work, including phase 2 of the Strategic Site Assessments, potential delivery routes, cluster sites and placemaking plans, the Inner North West Development Brief and the appointment of a Private Sector Delivery Partner to work with the Council on the programme.


The Committee:


                           i.      noted the update in respect of the Strategic Site Assessments Phase 2 – Citywide;


                          ii.      agreed that an initial tranche of 11 sites would be brought forward for consideration for housing led regeneration purposes;


                         iii.      noted that a report would be submitted to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 21st February, which would seek approval to progress further the programme of work, and that further updates would be brought back to the Committee as the work progressed;


                        iv.      noted that the detail in respect of the delivery route for individual sites would be subject to further consideration and Committee approval; 


                          v.      noted the update in relation to the placemaking opportunities/plans through the work of the Housing Led Regeneration Group, and that further updates would be brought back to the Committee;


                        vi.      noted that the evaluation process had been completed for the Inner North West Development Brief and that a report, that included a recommendation to award a Preferred Housing Association Developer, would be submitted to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 21st February; and


                       vii.      noted the update in respect of the appointment of a Private Sector Partner to work in partnership with the Council and the next steps in respect of the finalisation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement and that further reports would be brought back to Committee in relation to governance and engagement.



Vacant to Vibrant


            The Director of City Regeneration and Development provided the Committee with an update on the Vacant to Vibrant Programme which sought approval for a recommendation from the Vacant to Vibrant assessment panel following the recent receipt and assessment of applications.


The Committee:


                           i.      agreed the recommended grant award, as outlined within section 3.21 of the report; and


                          ii.      noted the update in relation to the Vacant to Vibrant Programme and that it would be supporting up to 41 businesses to locate or expand into long term vacant units.



Belfast Bikes Performance Update Q3


            The Senior Manager, Economy, provided the Committee with an update on the performance of Belfast Bikes for Year 10, Quarter 3 (October to December 2024) of the financial year.


            During discussion, the Senior Manager, Economy, and the Assets Development Manager answered a range of questions from the Members in relation to usage, docking stations and vandalism of the Belfast Bikes.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the update on the Belfast Bikes performance for Quarter 3.



Belfast Zoo Performance Update Q3


            The Senior Manager, Economy, provided the Committee with an update on the performance of Belfast Zoo for Quarter 3 (October to December 2024) of the financial year.


            During discussion, the Senior Manager, Economy, and the Assets Development Manager answered a range of questions in relation to the financial performance, staffing and Avian Influenza.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the update on Belfast Zoo’s performance for Quarter 3.



Belfast Zoo Scale of Charges 2025/26


            The Committee considered a report that provided an update on a proposed scale of charges for Belfast Zoo for 2025/26, and a proposed date of implementation.


            The Committee considered a recommendation to include a new facilitation charge within the annual scale of charges.


            The Committee:


                            i.      noted the price increases for existing categories of ticket types and products/services;


                          ii.      approved a new facilitation charge as outlined within section 3.5 of the report; and


                         iii.      agreed that all price increases would take effect from 1st April, 2025.



Neighbourhood Tourism Update


            The Committee considered a report that provided an update on the development of the Neighbourhood Tourism Investment Programme which included recommendations for awards, findings and learnings.


            The Committee was presented with several options to develop the programme further and Members highlighted the need to address North and South Belfast.


            After discussion, the Committee:


                           i.          noted the updated findings of the Neighbourhood Tourism Investment Programme approach as contained within the report;


                          ii.          approved the recommended awards, as outlined within section 7.1 of the report and the associated next steps; and


                         iii.          agreed to proceed with further development of the Neighbourhood Tourism Programme as set out in Option 2, outlined within section 9.1 of the report.



Sandy Row Revitalisation Update


            The Committee considered a report that provided an update on the ongoing work in respect of the Revitalisation Scheme for Sandy Row,


During discussion, a Member highlighted the need for engagement with all local representatives across the Botanic District Electoral Area. The Member also raised concerns in respect of consultation with local businesses, including ethnic minority owned businesses, and proposed that the issues raised be addressed through further engagement between the Council and local businesses.


After discussion, the Committee:


                           i.          noted that the Department for Communities (DfC) was establishing a cross-departmental working group to bring forward collective actions to support businesses within the Sandy Row area;


                          ii.          noted and agreed the proposal for DfC to fund the Council to deliver a revitalisation scheme for the Sandy Row area;


                         iii.          agreed that the Council design and deliver a Small Business Grant Scheme Programme in line with the report, and in conjunction with additional business support delivered through the Go Succeed Programme and that, given the urgency in bringing the support package to the area, officers continued to design the Small Business Grant Scheme Programme in conjunction with local representatives and to open the scheme to businesses as soon as possible, with further details on the scheme to be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee; and


                        iv.          agreed to defer consideration in respect of a Member’s proposal for further engagement with businesses, to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, so that legal advice could be provided on the matters raised.



Requests to Present


Request to Present - Belfast Harbour Commissioners - Corporate Strategy 2025-2029 pdf icon PDF 178 KB


The Committee considered a request from the Belfast Harbour Commissioners (BHC) to present its Corporate Strategy 2025-2029 at a future meeting of the Committee.


The Committee also considered an invitation from BHC to visit a cruise vessel while it was in port.


The Committee:


                           i.      agreed to receive a presentation from the BHC on its Corporate Strategy 2025-2029, at a future special meeting of the Committee; and


                          ii.      accepted an invitation from BHC to visit a cruise vessel while it was in port.



Request to Present - Department for Infrastructure - York Street Interchange: Placemaking and Active Travel Development pdf icon PDF 345 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee agreed to receive a presentation from the Department for Infrastructure in relation to the York Street Interchange at a future special meeting of the Committee.



Request to Present - Visit Belfast - Annual Business Plan 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 316 KB


            The Committee agreed to receive a presentation from Visit Belfast on its Annual Business Plan for 2025-26 at the Committee meeting on 12th March, 2025.



Regenerating Places and Improving Infrastructure


Active Travel Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 444 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0       Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues


1.1       The purpose of this report is to highlight that the Active Travel Delivery Plan for NI is open for consultation until 28th February and to seek approval for the attached Council response to be submitted to the Department for Infrastructure.  This paper also provides an update on the designs of the Island Street Active Travel and Traffic Calming Scheme that is being delivered as part of the Belfast Cycling Network and to seek approval for Council’s response.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       The Committee is asked to:


                                               i.          Note that the Department for Infrastructure is undertaking a public consultation on the NI Active Travel Delivery Plan and approve the draft consultation response provided in Appendix A of this report. The draft response will be submitted subject to Council ratification on the 3rd March 2025. 

                                             ii.          Note the correspondence received from DfI as included within Appendix B1 of this report in relation to Island Street and the proposed designs for the scheme in Appendix B2.

                                            iii.          Agree the draft Council response to the designs for the Island Street Active Travel and Traffic Calming Scheme in Appendix B3 that is being delivered as part of the Belfast Cycling Network.


3.0       Background


The Department for Infrastructure has prepared a draft Active Travel Delivery Plan for Northern Ireland that will guide the delivery of active travel infrastructure for the next 10 years. A Consultation Event was held on the 13th November 2024 with provision for five BCC Members and Officers to attend, with the feedback incorporated within the draft response as attached in Appendix A of this report.


3.1       Since the Belfast Cycling Network (BCN) was already published in 2021, Belfast Cycling Network Delivery Plan 2022 – 31 | Department for Infrastructure, and is currently being rolled out as per the phasing within the BCN Delivery Plan, the draft Active Travel Delivery Plan that is out for consultation does not include the Belfast area, but rather the surrounding council areas. Officers feel that a response is warranted given the cross-council boundary area connectivity needs, along with the potential implications for the Belfast Cycle Network. 


3.2       As the Consultation closing date is the 28th February, a draft response has been prepared by officers for feedback and approval by this Committee. The draft response will be submitted subject to Council Ratification on the 3rd March. Members can also submit an individual or Party responses via Citizen Space on the DfI website until 28th February: ACTIVE TRAVEL DELIVERY PLAN CONSULTATION - NI Direct - Citizen Space.


3.3       In line with delivery of the Belfast Cycling Network, DfI has shared the designs of the Island Street Active Travel and Traffic Calming Scheme for comment as has been done previously with other schemes.  This notice has been shared on the Members’ portal on receipt.  This paper sets out the proposed Council response for agreement by this Committee and is found in Appendix B3.


4.0       Main  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Positioning Belfast to Compete


Major Events Update - Christmas Programme 2024 pdf icon PDF 380 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0       Purpose of Report


1.1       The purpose of this report is to provide Members with an update on activity delivered as part of a Christmas programme in November - December 2024.


2.0       Recommendations


2.1       Members are asked to note the contents of this report on recent Christmas activity.


3.0       Main report


3.1       Christmas Programme 2024 Evaluation


Building on the success of the 2023 event, the Christmas Lights Switch-On in Donegall Square North, returned on Saturday 16th November 2024.


This particular event remains a key driver in animating and activating the city. The Switch-On has always been a specific milestone for City centre stakeholders as the official opening to the Christmas period.


Located in a busy, ‘live’ city centre with high pedestrian footfall, the Switch-On is an operationally multi-faceted event to deliver.  Planning began in July 2024, with engagement of primary stakeholders such as Translink, Visit Belfast and delivery agents. There is significant multi stakeholder input involved in the early planning process, and as plans develop other city centre stakeholders are further engaged.


In line with the Cultural Strategy’s themes of community and sectoral co-design, an exciting programme was developed. This included cultural sector, community and school groups and further details are within this report. Tickets were fully allocated, and on the evening the site was at full capacity.


In 2024, the Christmas Lights Switch-On followed the same format at the front of City Hall, taking place on Saturday 16th November. Due to the nature of the t-shaped event site comprising Donegall Square North and Donegall Place (Fountain Lane and Castle Lane cross), it was necessary to close roads to facilitate event infrastructure installation and de-rig.


The City Events Team engaged extensively with stakeholders such as Translink, MarketPlace Europe, DfI, public hire taxi and the business sector, as well as with internal council units, to coordinate the build, event delivery and de-rig with as minimal impact as possible to normal business. Various road closures and suspensions were in place 2am Saturday 16th through to 4am on Sunday 17th November.





In excess of 10,500 citizens and visitors gathered to enjoy the event. The event was free and ticketed via Visit Belfast. There was an initial ticket release on the morning of 5th November, with a second release to accommodate those who couldn’t secure tickets during the morning release. The City Hall Christmas Market opened at 12 noon the same day. During this year’s event, it was noticeable that there was a significant number of non-ticket holders attending the event. Officers are reviewing the current approach to ticketing and options aligned to potential reconfiguration of the site that are in line with health and safety requirements, need for access to retail and retaining a positive attendee experience.


Marketing and Communications Activity:


Council operated a digital campaign with online advertising to promote this year’s Christmas Lights Switch-On event, as well as Winter’s Den season in 2 Royal Avenue.


Council directed people to the Christmas Lights Switch-on event  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16a


Bank of Ideas pdf icon PDF 578 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0       Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues


1.1            To provide an update to the Committee on the proposed opening of Cultural Participatory Budgeting scheme – Bank of Ideas – as a core part of the engagement delivery for the Cultural Strategy A City Imagining workplan 2025/26.


2.0       Recommendation


2.1       It is recommended that Members:


-            Note the contents of this report and agree to open the Cultural Participatory Budgeting scheme “Bank of Ideas” on 19th March 2025 as part of the core delivery of the cultural strategy workplan for 2025/26.


3.0       Main Report


3.1       Background and context


As part of Belfast 2024 Creative Me Programme, a participatory budgeting scheme was created to fund creative ideas from individuals and groups across the city. This scheme, called The Bank of Ideas, awarded £50,000, divided equally between ideas for North, South, East, West, and the City Centre. Residents within a community could submit their creative ideas for funding. The projects were then voted on by residents to allow the allocation of funding.


3.2       The rationale for the project


The pilot Bank of Ideas programme delivered on a range of priorities within the cultural strategy.  These include:


·        Providing a more accessible way for individuals and un-constituted groups to access funding and participate in cultural activity by proposing and delivering creative ideas in their local area.

·        The funding provides a ‘stepping stones’ approach for those who do not have capacity yet to access grants, with a focus on capacity building to enable groups/individuals to build skills needed to develop creative work and access funding in the future. This grassroots approach allows for the avoidance of duplication whilst adding value to existing small grants ecosystem.

·        The participatory nature of allocating the funds through a decision-making public vote meant that residents of Belfast became co-curators of the Belfast 2024 programme. This increased ownership over the definition of ‘creativity’ and therefore enhanced sense of belonging, civic pride and agency.


3.3       Impact of the programme


The 2024 Bank of Ideas project funded 28 projects, with over 4,842 people involved in the total project number.  Additionally, 2,253 people cast votes in the process.  The average award under the Bank of Ideas was £2,000.


3.4       Capacity building and City-wide reach


The capacity building and idea generating phase of the fund involved 26 idea generating workshops and drop-in sessions across Belfast to help people come up with and develop their ideas. These sessions took place across the city in informal, approachable settings such as local cafes, community centres and arts centres. This led to an application process and then a voting date run in City Hall where citizens voted on the projects they wanted to see funded.


Post award the capacity building elements continued with additional sessions aimed to bringing people together and supporting capacity building, sharing information on other funding sources, how to become constituted, audience development and collaboration. This was available for all applicants and not just those who were successful.


3.5       The breakdown  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16b


Issues Raised in Advance by Members


Bristol Music Fund (Councillor de Faoite to raise)


            At the request of Councillor de Faoite, the Committee agreed that officers would engage with their counterparts in Bristol City Council in relation to the establishment of the Bristol Music Fund, and that a report would be brought back to the Committee in respect of the feasibility of establishing a similar fund for Belfast.