Venue: Lavery Room, City Hall
Contact: Eilish McGoldrick, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology was received on behalf of the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor McCormick.
Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 11th September were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st October, subject to an addendum to the decision under the heading ‘Night-time Economy Notice of Motion Update’ in that the Council agreed to write to the Minister for Infrastructure, John O’Dowd, requesting that he review the decision to put on hold consideration of the pedestrianisation of Hill Street.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor McCabe declared an interest in item 4. (a) ‘Major Events Update’ in that she worked for an organisation that was associated with event funding.
Restricted Items Minutes: The information contained in the report associated with the following three items was restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the members of the press and public from the meeting during discussion of the following items as, due to the nature of the items, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
Members were also reminded that the content of ‘restricted’ reports and any discussion which took place during closed session must be treated as ‘confidential information’ and that no such information should be disclosed to the public as per Paragraph 4.15 of the Code of Conduct.
Vacant to Vibrant Update Minutes: The Committee was provided with an update on the Vacant to Vibrant Programme and the associated recommendations from the assessment panel.
During discussion, in response to a Member’s concern in relation to the type of private sector applications which had been received, such as private health care, the Director of City Regeneration and Development undertook to consider the matter further.
Moved by Councillor R. McLaughlin, Seconded by Councillor Duffy, and
Resolved – That the Committee agrees that the current arrangements for reporting all recommended grant awards under Grant 1 and 2 on the Committee would remain.
After discussion, the Committee agreed also to:
· note the update in relation to the city centre Vacant to Vibrant Programme which was currently supporting up to 32 businesses to locate or expand into long-term vacant city centre units;
· agree to the recommended grant awards; and
· note the update in relation to the position of external funding applications to progress the proposed city-wide Vacant to Vibrant scheme.
Housing Led Regeneration Update Minutes: The Committee was provided with an update on a number of strands of the Housing-Led Regeneration programme of work as agreed within the Committee Plan.
Proposal Moved by Councillor McAteer, Seconded by Councillor Hanvey and
Resolved – That the Committee agrees that a report be submitted to a future meeting in relation to the impact that the lack of adequate water infrastructure has had on housing development across the city, including the impact that it might have on the environment, economy and the Belfast Agenda’s growth targets. During discussion on the public procurement exercise to appoint a partner to work with the Council on the delivery of housing-led regeneration, the Director of City Regeneration and Development responded to Members’ queries regarding the approach and mechanism utilised in delivering social value. The Committee expressed support for the work which had been undertaken to date and a Member requested that work be carried out to support the Council in developing mechanisms that would help to address the viability issues associated with progressing housing regeneration and city centre living in a similar manner as had been used in other UK regions.
After discussion, the Committee agreed also to:
· note that the Director of City Regeneration and Development would provide party briefings, if requested, in relation to the Housing Led Regeneration.
· note that the public procurement exercise to appoint a Private Sector Partner (PSP) for the delivery of housing-led regeneration at scale had concluded and that a report would be submitted to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee October with a recommendation for an appointment being made in November, following Council ratification;
· note the update in respect of the Inner North-West Development Brief and the ongoing evaluation process;
· note the update in relation to the city-wide Strategic Site Assessments and the next steps to be taken, including referral to the forthcoming All-Party Roundtable on Housing-Led Regeneration and the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee regarding options for the disposal/development of various sites; and
· to write to the Minister for Infrastructure highlighting the impact the aforementioned issue had on housing delivery, particularly in light of the current housing crisis, and to seek additional funding for water infrastructure.
Belfast 2024 Minutes: The Committee considered an update which outlined the success of the Belfast 2024 Programme to date, which included both quantitative and qualitative feedback from the evaluation process and outlined the next stages of the programme and engagement work.
The Committee noted the progress of the Belfast 2024 programme to date.
Regenerating Places & Improving Infrastructure |
Belfast City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy 10 Year Stocktake Update Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update Members on the 10-year stock take of Belfast City Centre Regeneration & Investment Strategy, as agreed as an in-year deliverable in the City Growth & Regeneration Committee Plan 24/25.
2.0 Recommendation
2.1 The Committee are asked to note:
· The emerging findings from the Belfast City Centre Regeneration and Investment Strategy (BCCRIS) 10 - year stock take, in the context of the existing strategy. · The proposed BCCRIS Summit event to launch the key messaging. · Request for Members to provide any further comments to inform the final stocktake report.
3.0 Background
3.1 As Members will be aware the Committee agreed as part of the Committee Plan for 24/25 ‘to take forward a ten-year review of the Belfast City Centre Regeneration & Investment Strategy (BCCRIS) building on the work of the recent Regeneration Trackers to inform city and Council priorities going forward’.
3.2 By way of background, BCCRIS launched in 2015 and is the adopted regeneration policy for the city centre. BCCRIS recognised that the city centre is one of the most important places in the Region, where investment impact can be maximised, where rates are generated and where momentum can be built to support growth in the surrounding neighbourhoods and wider region. Belfast as the capital city, and regional economic driver generates £16.2bn GVA with 14.3% of Northern Ireland’s business base and accounts for 30% of total employee jobs. The stocktake has evidenced that this is very much the case today, it is clear that Belfast is everyone’s main city and has an important role to play as a centre for commerce, culture, tourist attractions, recreation, entertainment, learning and employment. Its core centre area needs to ensure collective efforts are intensified to ensure it can continue to perform these important roles for all areas of the city and the region to derive benefit.
3.3 The Strategy sets out the context for developing the city centre and outlines collective aspirations for the continued growth and regeneration of the city core and its surrounding areas. The Strategy is based on the following core principles, which are referred to as the policy areas:
· Increase the Employment Population · Increase the Residential Population · Manage the Retail Offer · Maximise the Tourism Opportunity · Create Regional Learning and Innovation Centres · Create a Green, Walkable, Cyclable Centre · Connect to the City Around · Shared Space and Social Impact
3.4 To facilitate the implementation of these policies the strategy also identified a series of projects and a number of opportunities. The projects were intended to focus efforts on discrete initiatives which will help to achieve the policies and create a liveable and economically thriving city. Five Special Action Areas were identified for parts of the centre where it recommended that more intensive local plans should be prepared.
3.5 At the time of publication of BCCRIS and as part of Local Government Reform in 2015 the Council were preparing for the planned ... view the full minutes text for item 3a |
Positioning Belfast to Compete |
Major Events Update Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update Members on the Christmas Programme and the bid for the Fleadh Cheoil.
2.0 Recommendation
2.1 Committee is asked to:
· Note the contents of this report. · Approve attendance of the Lord Mayor and senior officials at the 2025 US Comhaltas Convention and the early release of budget to Ards CCE to allow early booking of flights and accommodation.
3.0 Main Report
3.1 Christmas Programme Update:
As in recent years, 2RA will provide a programme of Christmas - themed activities across the six weeks of Christmas to supplement the Switch On and provide a focus throughout the festive period.
Members will be aware that a report to committee in June 2023 recommended several adjustments to the Christmas light switch on to mitigate identified health and safety risks - these included:
· Event build in the early hours involving staggered road and lane closures. · The careful co-ordination of deliveries of equipment and stock of the Christmas market to facilitate an appropriate cut off to allow for the build of the stage and rig. · The stage and all associated equipment and infrastructure should remain in situ following the event to allow roads to reopen immediately after the event. This will allow of a de-rig to take place on Sunday morning during a less busy period.
Members should be aware that the mitigation outlined above has increased some costs related to both equipment rental and security. Any expenditure will be found from existing corporate budgets.
Planning is very well advanced, with temporary road closure applications submitted in August and many performers contracted.
Proposed Event Programme 2024:
The wider event schedule will consist of a range of elements including:
· The Official Switch - On event · 2 Royal Avenue · Christmas Market · Festive Lighting Scheme · Marketing and Communications Activity
Belfast’s Christmas celebrations will officially begin on Saturday 16th November with the Switch- On. This event will take place from approximately 6:30pm to 7:30pm. The stage programme will consist of:
· Walkabout performers entertaining the audience at each three entrances, Donegall Place & Donegall Square East & West. · Proposed stage programme: a variety of short acts celebrating the best of Belfast performers both professional companies and community organisations, all supported by Council. This will include: · Compered by a media partner with ‘switch-on’ of the lights by the Lord Mayor. · Young musician to open the event (bagpipes) · A local singer with live band, sourced from the Oh Yeah Music Centre, a Lord Mayor’s Charity. · Musical excerpt from Christmas Performance. · A Christmas Theatre excerpt · A special Circus performance · Rock Choir – carols and uplifting rock songs. · A primary school choir.
2 Royal Avenue Programme ... view the full minutes text for item 4a |
International Relations - future approach Minutes: The Senior Manager, Economy, provided an update in relation to the Council’s international relations approach. She reminded the Committee that, at its meeting in September, it had noted that a review would be undertaken of international opportunities and potential objectives and areas of interest aligned to city priorities and had agreed to receive a future report to consider how targeted international engagement activity could support and advance the Council’s key ambitions.
The Senior Manger advised Members that, as a first step in this work, it had been agreed that officers would bring back a series of high-level considerations to shape the work and that, subject to agreement on the outline approach, a more detailed report setting out the framework would be brought back to a future meeting.
She stated that, in undertaking the initial review, officers had reflected on the previous International Relations Framework which had expired in 2021 and that the purpose set out in that framework remained broadly valid, namely: “to ensure that Belfast is optimally positioned on the international stage to realise our ambitions, and that our resources and priorities are aligned with the overarching strategic vision for the city”. It had noted that the Council’s approach should consider a wider international engagement approach at a regional level – as articulated through the Programme for Government, which was current subject to consultation.
The aforementioned Programme for Government comprised of three key missions, one of which was “Prosperity”. One of the critical areas of action had been identified as “building on our international relationships to advance our economic development and attract new investment opportunities”. It was understood that a new International Relations Strategy for Northern Ireland was currently being developed and would be presented to the Northern Ireland Assembly, which would reflect the approach set out above – and identify the opportunity to leverage the Executive’s networks and resources to support the Council’s international engagement work.
She highlighted that the previous International Framework had identified a number of priority areas of focus. These were broadly termed: Promoting trade and investment; and Attracting visitors and students.
She advised that these areas of focus should remain a priority in any new approach, however, taking account of changes in the operating environment since the original framework, the view on how this work may evolve included:
· Promoting trade and investment: likely to remain a top priority but balance of effort to move towards supporting local businesses to explore international markets rather than FDI (although the Council should continue to support Invest NI in this work). Another significant change since the last framework was our strong capital investment proposition and – in particular – the need to identify and access international financing and profiling opportunities to bring forward critical development schemes;
· Attracting visitors and students: Tourism numbers had rallied significantly over the last year and were now back near pre-Covid numbers. The sector remained a key employer in the city and planned investments such as Belfast ... view the full minutes text for item 4b |
Growing Business and the Economy |
Site Visit - Request from Belfast Chamber Minutes: The Committee considered a request from Belfast Chamber for a walk around the city centre followed by a brief meeting.
The Committee agreed that the request from Belfast Chamber be referred to the All-Party Working Group on the City Centre for consideration.
Strategic and Operational Issue |
Request for approval for Crafted with Pride Markets Minutes: The Committee considered a request from organisers of two ‘Crafted with Pride’ proposed markets to take place in 2 Royal Avenue.
The Committee approved the issuing of a market license for Belfast Pride to hold markets on 8th December, 2024 and 20th July, 2025.
Special Committee Presentations Minutes: The Committee considered a request from the Metropolitan Arts Centre (MAC) to present at a future special Committee meeting. The Committee also considered the schedule for presentations at the forthcoming Special Committee meetings.
The Committee:
· Agreed that the MAC would present at a future special Committee meeting; · Noted the schedule of presentations for October and November; and
· Noted that any questions/issues for representatives of Translink/the Department for Infrastructure (Roads) be forwarded to Democratic Services for compilation, in advance of the presentations.