Contact: Eilish McGoldrick, Democratic Services Officer x6311
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology was reported on behalf of Councillor McAllister. |
Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 9th September were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st October, subject to the amendment of the minute under the heading “EuroPride Bid (Belfast Pride)”, to provide that the Council agrees to use the Cultural Strategy’s sector development programme to provide support to Belfast Pride and LGBTQ sector organisations to review governance, address outstanding issues and ensure that the organisation is best placed to deliver projects of significant scale such as the EuroPride 2023 bid.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No Declarations of Interest were reported.
Restricted Items Minutes: The information contained in the report associated with the following eight items were restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the members of the press and public from the meeting during discussion of the items as, due to the nature of the items, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Section 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
Translink Written Presentation Minutes: The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 12th August, it had agreed to receive a written presentation form Translink in relation to a major refurbishment of existing rail infrastructure in Belfast through a project called the Central Area Track Renewal (CATR).
The Committee noted the written presentation from Translink in relation to the CATR project.
Destination Hub - Concept Update Report Minutes: The Programme Director (Belfast Destination Hub) and Senior Manager - Culture and Tourism presented an update on the progress made with regard to the Destination Hub concept. This included information in relation to an outline business case, site acquisitions, spatial assessments and concept development.
It was highlighted that the Belfast Destination Hub Outline Business Case would be presented to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in October 2020.
After discussion, the Committee:
1. Noted the progress made in relation to the Destination Hub concept; 2. Noted that, following the Destination Hub presentation made to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 18th September, the preferred site for the Destination Hub was agreed and officers had been authorised to examine options for acquisition with a report to be brought back to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee; 3. Noted that a further a presentation on the Destination Hub Outline Business Case would be made to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee; and 4. Noted that the Committee would be provided with a timeline of the acquisition process, once agreed.
Finance Update Minutes: The Committee noted the contents of the report which had been presented to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in September.
City Connectivity Minutes: The Committee was provided with an overview on city connectivity matters, which included an update on the Future City Centre Programme (FCC) which was focused on how the city centre could be re-imagined and addressed the challenges impacting the high street, particularly in the context of COVID recovery.
The Director of City Regeneration and Development advised that The Bolder Vision for Belfast was a key component of the FCC Programme and involved a significant re-think of how the City’s streets and places were used to make them attractive, heathy, vibrant and accessible places. She provided an overview of the work programme and advised that regular updates would be brought to the Committee at key stages.
She also provided an update on the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Blue and Green Infrastructure Fund and the Belfast Urban Greenway.
During discussion, the Director of City Regeneration and Development explained the engagement which had taken place with the Department for Infrastructure regarding connectivity across the city and the intended Anti-Social Behaviour interventions in Castle Street.
The Committee noted:
· That work had commenced on the next stages of a co-cliented Bolder Vision Connectivity Study with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and the Department for Communities, which would consider the changing nature of the use of the city centre and provide options and scenarios to inform the future landscape and priority connectivity infrastructure required to support a resilient and connected city; and · The proposal to scope a ‘Belfast Urban Greenway’ Initiative as an outworking of the Bolder Vision, which sought to enhance connectivity to and from the city centre and create an urban greenway concept through the city centre. The future delivery would be subject to funding opportunities and required partnership working with various stakeholders, including DfI. The proposal could form a key element of the Bolder Vision project delivery stage.
The Zoo - Performance update Q1 2020/21 Minutes: The Committee noted the Zoo performance update report for the period April – June 2020 and agreed that a report would be submitted to the Committee in relation to the feasibility study in due course.
DfC Covid-19 Revitalisation Programme Update Minutes: The Director of City Regeneration and Development informed the Committee of the progress made in relation to the Department for Communities’ (DFC) Town Centre Revitalisation Fund.
She provided an update on the first tranche of grant capital funding which included: Signage, dressing and messaging; Physical interventions and streetscape improvements/Reimaging Public Space Business Grants; and Access and Connectivity – Physical Interventions. She explained the progress which had been made in relation to emerging proposals and physical interventions in the Cathedral Quarter, Church Lane, The Linen Quarter, Castle Place Hub, Marquis Street, together with an update on proposed Parklets and Pavement Café Licence Applications.
During discussion, Members questioned how the business community and community groups, which had been recommended by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in August, were applying for the available grants and suggested that a guidance note would be beneficial to help with proposals for such funding.
In response to question from a Member, the Director of City Regeneration and Development advised that further information would be provided to the Committee in relation to proposals for the removal of Parking Bays associated with the interventions outlined in the report
The Committee: 1. Noted the progress in the delivery of the priority areas and interventions supported under tranche one of the DfC Covid-19 Revitalisation Fund programme, and noted the status update for the tranche two funding allocation; 2. Noted the level of demand and proposed additional budget, as agreed at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the 18th September, in relation to the Business Grants; 3. Agreed the proposed priority areas of capital support to be developed under tranche two, pending approval and receipt of the Letter of Offer from DfC in mid-October; 4. Agreed the proposals with regard to the additional £160k of revenue monies within the DfC Revitalisation Fund, pending approval and receipt of the Letter of Offer from DfC in mid-October; 5. Noted the criticality of a partnership approach from the DfI and DfC in providing the rapid deployment of statutory and legislative powers to enable the emerging projects to be implemented in accordance with the objectives of the programme; 6. Agreed the process of providing Funding Agreements with the BIDs as outlined in the report, and in accordance with the objectives of the DfC Covid-19 Revitalisation Fund programme; 7. Agreed the process of providing Letters of Offer for community and business groups as outlined in the report, and in accordance with the objectives of the DfC Covid-19 Revitalisation Fund programme; 8. Noted that further information would be provided in relation to proposals for the removal of Parking Bays associated with the interventions outlined in the report; and 9. Agreed that a note would be provided to the Committee by the Director of City Regeneration and Development in relation to the business community and community groups, as recommended by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in August 2020, bringing forward proposals under the physical interventions and streetscape improvements strand of the DfC Revitalisation Fund. ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Festival 2022 Minutes: The Committee was provided with an update on Festival 2022, an initiative funded by the UK Government in partnership with relevant departments in the devolved governments. It was reported that the focus of Festival 2022 was a celebration of creativity and innovation, with a global outlook, and the project recognised the role of the arts and creative sectors in bringing people together and fostering civic pride and helping to attract inward investment.
The Director of Economic Development advised that, following a meeting on 2nd October between SOLACE and the Department for Communities, it had been proposed that the Council, in partnership with the other councils, would act as a Strategic Delivery Body for the project alongside equivalent organisations in England, Scotland and Wales.
The Committee: · Noted the contents of the report;
· Agreed for the Council to act as a Strategic Delivery Body in line with the request from the Department for Communities to SOLACE; and
· Agreed to receive future reports to update Members on the plans for 2020-23 in relation to festivals, events and cultural initiatives as part of Covid-19 recovery plans.
Christmas 2020 proposals Minutes: The Director of Economic Development advised that, given the changing nature of the restrictions and the additional regulations which had been put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, officers had been engaging with the Christmas Market operators to explore what type of activity might be feasible to operate over the Christmas 2020 period.
He informed the Committee that, as a result of the significant restrictions, it was proposed that the Christmas Market 2020 would be cancelled in its traditional format and outlined the proposed alternative approach for an Enchanted Garden programme within the City Hall grounds.
He confirmed that officers had also been working with a range of business organisations and other partners across the city to bring forward an animation programme that would help the businesses at this crucial trading period by driving footfall and spend – in a way that respected all social distancing protocols and regulations what had or would be put in place by the Northern Ireland Executive.
The Senior Manager - Culture and Tourism provided the Committee with a presentation in relation to the Council’s Christmas Animation proposal and lighting plans.
During discussion, Members suggested that smaller, local Christmas markets could also be explored. The Director of Economic Development advised that such proposals received from traders could be considered and highlighted that St. George’s Market would be an anchor for the intended light and animation programme.
He explained further the intended lighting hours of operation and proposed street performers in the City Centre. He also confirmed that the previously approved City Hall Lighting proposals had been incorporated into the scheduled City Hall animation programme.
After discussion, the Committee: · Noted the update on the Christmas Market and the wider Christmas animation programme;
· Agreed not to proceed with the Christmas Market in its traditional format for this year and, instead, to move ahead with an Enchanted Garden programme within the City Hall grounds (the City Solicitor to take the necessary legal steps in respect of the cancellation of the market in accordance with his existing delegated authority and given notice requirements and urgency, call-in should therefore be suspended); and
· Agreed to delegate responsibility to the Strategic Director of Place and Economy to approve applications from neighbourhoods for local animation activities at Christmas.
· The Committee agreed, in accordance with Standing Order 47 (2) (c), that the decisions would not be subject to call-in, on the basis that an unreasonable delay could be prejudicial to the Council’s or the public’s interest.
Growing Business and the Economy |
Update on Dublin - Belfast Economic Corridor PDF 163 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with an update on progress to date on work to support the development of the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor and to set out the governance structure and next steps in progressing this piece of work.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
- Note the contents of this report and progress to date to develop the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor - Endorse the governance structure and propose member representation to participate on the political advisory group
3.0 Main report
At its meeting on 6 November 2019 members were provided with an update on progress to support the development of the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor. At the meeting members noted the outcomes from the research paper undertaken by UU Economic Policy and endorsed the emerging plans for the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor.
3.2 The research paper highlighted the key success factors for economic corridors in other locations as having clear articulation of the benefit that will accrue from enhanced levels of engagement over and above what can be expected if partners are to continue to maintain the status quo and pursue their individual economic agendas. The report also detailed the current economic performance of the Corridor and the future prospects for the region based on current trends and highlighted potential areas for cooperation which could create a stronger trajectory for growth. These included sectoral development, research & innovation supports, enterprise supports, environmental resilience and infrastructure.
3.3 Since this initial research was undertaken the global economy has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in monumental declines in levels of economic activity across the board. It is clear that the pandemic will impact the partnerships plans to support economic regeneration across the corridor area, and has caused some delays in work progressing, however it highlights the interdependencies across the area and reinforces the need for a coordinated commitment to enhancing the future economic potential of the area.
3.4 Officers continue to work in partnership to progress with the recommendations of the research and have been engaging with councils along the economic corridor on a monthly basis.
3.5 Since the update brought to this committee in November 2019 there has been agreement by the partnership that now is not the time to proceed with the detailed economic modelling exercise that was previously proposed. However there is recognition that as a partnership we need to begin to progress this and as a first step in the process UU and DCU are working to build upon the initial piece of research that was completed and are developing the CReSS: Corridor Research Seminar Series. By assisting in growing the knowledge base necessary amongst partners, the aim of CReSS is to enhance the potential of the corridor.
3.6 In light of the work done to date on the report on The Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor: Current Profile, Potential in Recovery & Opportunities for Cooperation (June 2020) ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Growing the Economy and Working & Learning Update: Programme of Work 2020/21 PDF 483 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 At a meeting of City Growth and Regeneration Committee in March 2020, the work programmes to support the delivery of targets under the Growing the Economy and Working and Learning pillars of the Belfast Agenda and the Inclusive Growth Strategy were agreed.
1.2 Given the current circumstances and the specific ongoing challenges for Belfast residents and local businesses, the purpose of this report is to update Members on:
· The current status of the council-led activities relating to Growing the Economy and Working and Learning pillars of the Belfast Agenda · Emerging priorities and activities aimed at re-focusing the current work programme to ensure that the council’s activities to help stabilise and grow new and existing businesses, social enterprises and cooperatives in Belfast and to address growing levels of unemployment as a result of COVID-19 are effective at this time.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· Note the work undertaken to date across a wide range of work areas within the Growing the Economy and Working and Learning pillars of the Belfast Agenda, including the outcomes achieved and scheduled towards year end · Note the changing operating environment and the emerging proposals to ensure that the council interventions remain effective.
3.0 Main report
3.1 Members will be aware that, at the City Growth and Regeneration Committee meeting on 4 March 2020, approval was given for the delivery of the Growing the Economy and Working and Learning work plans for the current financial year. These work plans were developed as part of the council‘s contribution towards the commitments identified under these themes within the Belfast Agenda, and to the corporate plan, as well as supporting the council’s ambitions to deliver inclusive growth.
3.2 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, officers have been working closely with local residents, businesses and delivery partners across the city to adapt the support available to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. An update on this refocussed activity was presented to this Committee on 10 June 2020. This report takes account of the work that has been further developed to support the city recovery plans – as discussed at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 18 September 2020 – focusing on job retention and creation, business support and skills development.
3.3 Growing the Economy update
The pandemic has created a significant shock across most economic sectors. Businesses have been forced to re-examine their business models and ways of working in order to survive. As a result, we have adapted our range of support services to businesses to help them to come through the current crisis and, importantly, be in a position to work towards recovery and business growth in the future. In practical terms, this meant moving all of our business support to online delivery models to ensure that businesses could still access the support that they need.
3.4 Despite the challenging operating environment, there has been some positive ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Issues Raised in Advance by Members |
City Wide Strategic Site Assessment Update (Cllr Murphy to raise) Minutes: At the request of Councillor Murphy, the Committee agreed that a report be submitted to a future Committee in relation to the Strategic Site Assessments, to include an update on the work which had been undertaken to date.