
Proposed venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Haire and Mac Giolla Mhín.





            The minutes of the meetings of 8th, 15th and 22nd November were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 2nd December.



Declarations of Interest


            No declarations of interest were reported.




Investment Programme


Leisure Transformation Programme pdf icon PDF 671 KB

Additional documents:


            (Mr. A. Hassard, Director of Parks and Leisure, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Director of Parks and Leisure submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report which provided a detailed analysis of the three business model options for the future delivery of leisure services in the City.


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from the Trades Unions to address the Committee in relation to the proposals.  The Committee agreed to receive two deputations, namely, a joint presentation from Unite, GMB and SIPTU; and a second presentation from a representative of NIPSA.


            Prior to the deputations being admitted, the Committee agreed to defer consideration of the report until its second meeting in January, 2014 to allow the Members to consider any comments which the representatives of the Trades Unions might make.




            Ms. A. McMillan, NIPSA, was admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Ms. McMillan welcomed the Committee’s decision to defer until January consideration of the leisure transformation report.  She outlined the concerns of the members of the Union regarding two of the options in the report and indicated that the best option was to retain the provision through an in-house transformed model.  She requested that an opportunity be given to Union representatives to access the Deloitte report and any associated documentation so that staff could prepare a report and/or presentation, detailing a number of alternative model options, prior to the Committee considering the matter in January.


            Ms. McMillen thanked the Committee for receiving her and she retired from the meeting.


            UNITE, GMB and SIPTU


            Representatives of the above-mentioned Trades Unions, together with Messrs. G. O’Fachtna and J. Dawson, Trade Union Co-ordinators, were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr. O’Fachtna read out, on behalf of the three Unions, a joint statement, copies of which were tabled for the information of the Members, which set out the position of the Unions in relation to the proposals.  The statement outlined the concerns of the Unions in relation to both the privatisation and the non-profit distributing organisation (NPDO) models and gave its unequivocal support for an in-house model for the operation of leisure services in the City.


            The deputation thanked the Committee for receiving them and they retired from the meeting.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that the Deloitte report and any associated documentation be made available to the representatives of the Trades Unions.



Democratic Services and Governance


Schedule of Meetings 2014 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided details of the dates and times of the meetings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for the period from January till May, 2014.



Requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that the undernoted requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality had been received:


Appendix 1


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/Guests




Queen's University Belfast

‘Seamus Heaney’: A Conference and Commemoration” Conference Dinner

11th April, 2014

Approximately 250 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates at this celebration of the life and work of Seamus Heaney will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the Conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks

Approximate cost £500

Belfast Community Sports Development Network

Sheer SKILL (Sporting Knowledge Igniting Lifelong Learning) Celebration

8th April, 2014

Approximately 100 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event will aim to recognise the opportunity for greater learning through the value of sport and community engagement.  Since its inception many of the young people who have graduated have gained full and part-time employment within the sports and youth work sector across the City.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’ and in addition would contribute to the Council’s thematic area of Children and Young People.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

Approximate cost £250

Loyal Orange Lodge 513

150th Anniversary of Loyal Orange Lodge 513

16th May, 2014

Approximately 400 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a pre-dinner drinks reception

This event will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the formation of the Loyal Orange Lodge 513 and acknowledge its contribution to the general life and well-being of the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks

Approximate cost £500

Chinese Welfare Association Northern Ireland

Chinese New Year 2014

2nd February, 2014

Approximately 400 people per show (2 shows)

The use of the City Hall

This event will provide the opportunity for all communities to come together and celebrate and experience, with one of the oldest communities in Belfast t, Chinese culture in the Year of the Horse.  It is hoped that the event will promote diversity and successful relationships with other communities.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall

Belfast Men’s Health Group

Men’s Health Week  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3b


Update on Future Governance Arrangements for the Council pdf icon PDF 306 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:



“1      Relevant Background Information


1.1     The Committee, at its meetings on 14th December, 2012, and 19rtth April 2013 considered reports on emerging options relating to new political management arrangements for the new Council. 


         This included a high-level overview of the range of options which were likely to emerge as part of the local government reform legislative programme (i.e. Reorganisation Bill) regarding future governance and political management arrangements and also an overview of the three possible governance structures that were likely to be presented in the Bill (i) Traditional Committee System, (ii) Cabinet System, (iii) Streamlined Committee System.


1.2     Members then agreed that Party briefings would be held, facilitated by Jonathan Huish, to enable Members to explore what options may exist regarding future governance and political management arrangements for the Council. At these briefings the parties agreed that they would prefer to await the release of the Reorganisation Bill before discussing possible models for the Council.


1.3     The re-organisation Bill was laid before the Assembly in July 2013 and the purpose of the report is to provide to members a process of engagement which will allow recommendations to be made to the Shadow Council on new possible political management structures for the new Council.


1.4     As agreed in previous reports discussions concerning any potential new political management arrangements will be considered in line with the good governance principles within which the Council currently operates.



2       Key Issues


2.1     The three governance options laid out in the re-organisation Bill which Councils may choose from reflect those already outlined to members; the traditional committee system, a cabinet system or a streamlined committee system.  While they operate in different ways every option will have to take account of the current and new functions and powers that the Council will be responsible for.  This essentially means that any new arrangements will have to consider following elements;





At its highest level the Council will have to have in place structures which will set the overall policy and strategy of the organisation, allocate resources and manage performance.  With the additional powers and transferring functions this will also include the development of a community plan and city outcomes, the local area plan and regeneration frameworks.




Given the need to deliver against outcomes it is likely that specific structures will need to be put in place at a thematic level such as safety, health and well being etc. as set out in the Community Plan.  Through these structures members would develop and oversee the organisations contribution to the delivery of city wide outcomes in a joined up way.



Operational Delivery


Members will continue to oversee the delivery of Council Services ensuring that they are focussed on the thematic outcomes and also value for money.  Decisions will also have to be made on services which will be delivered at a city wide level and those which can be tailored to specific areas.



Regulatory Functions


Within the element Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3c




Minutes of Meeting of Budget and Transformation Panel Meeting pdf icon PDF 113 KB


            The Committee noted the minutes of the meeting of the Budget and Transformation Panel of 6th December.




Minutes of Meeting of Audit Panel pdf icon PDF 750 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Panel of 10th December



Rate Setting 2014-15

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:



“1.0   Relevant Background Information


1.1     This report provides an update for Members and considers final options for the 2014/15 revenue estimates, in line with the summary of the rate setting process for 2014/15 outlined in figure 1 below.




2.0     Key Issues


2.1     At the meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the 22 November 2013, Members were advised that departments had completed their estimates for 2014/15 and that the outcome was than an increase of £1,295,800 (1%) would be required for 2014/15.


         At the Committee it was agreed that officers should present a report to the Committee in December 2013 based on the delivery of a 0% rate. The setting of a zero rate would represent a reduction of 2.2% in real terms based on the current CPI rate. This would mean that for the first time the Council would have set a 0% district rate in two consecutive years.


2.2     Since the report to Committee in November 2013, the Financial Services Section has worked with departments to review the draft revenue estimates and growth proposals. This review took into account the decision of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in November 2013 in relation to the review of security and the previous decisions of the Committee to establish specified reserves and funds for local government reform and non recurring capital expenditure.


2.3     As a result of this work the following adjustments to the revenue estimates have been made which will enable a zero district rate to be set by the Council for 2014/15.


1.             Estimated savings arising from the implementation of the review of security have been removed totalling £300k. The actual level of savings will depend on the preferred option agreed by Committee in early 2014. A verbal update will be provided to the Committee on 13 December on the outcome of the voluntary redundancy exercise.

2.             The Council has been advised by the Department of Finance and Personnel on the 2 December 2013 of an increase in the de-rating grant for Belfast amounting to £159k.

3.             The detailed work on the revenue estimates has been completed which has enabled a reduction of the estimates by £836k through the inclusion of additional income (£211k), removal of non-recurring expenditure requests (£88k), budgetary challenge (£255k) and re-alignment of planned maintenance budgets (£282k).


2.4     Taking account the above actions it would be possible for the Council to deliver a zero increase on the District Rate in 2014/15. The graph below shows the regional and district rates set over the past 15 years. For the period of 2011/12 – 2014/15 the council will have a record of district rates set below the level of inflation – 2.95%, 2.6%, 0% and 0%.


Rates Chart


2.5     Capital Programme: This is used to pay for enhancements to existing council assets or for the provision of new assets owned by the council. The capital programme is financed through an annual budget of £10.14m and this budget is sufficient to meet  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4c


Review of Processes pdf icon PDF 220 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 15th November, it had agreed that a report be submitted to a future meeting containing proposals for an independent review of the process which had led to the Belfast City Centre – Enhanced Christmas in Belfast Campaign proposals coming forward.  The review would examine decision-making processes, Member/officer relationships, compliance with codes of conduct, governance and the introduction of future agreed protocols.


            The Director of Finance and Resources reported that iESE, the mutual organisation which the Council had joined, was supporting the Council in the development of governance options as part of local government reform.  It had agreed, if it was acceptable to the Committee, to carry out the review of the Christmas in Belfast decision-making as part of the governance work.  It was proposed that the scope of the review would cover:


·          how the overall process was managed in the context of the decision?making process currently in place in the Council;


·          how engagement and briefings with Parties were managed in the lead up to the Council meeting;


·          how the decision from Full Council was communicated to the Parties;


·          what areas for improvements to the process of decision-making could be identified and implemented; and


·          the appropriateness of the Member and officer behaviour during the process.


            The Committee agreed to iESE carrying out the review and to the scope and approach as outlined.



Replacement of the Lord Mayor's Official Vehicle pdf icon PDF 274 KB


            The Committee approved the commencement of a tendering exercise, on both an outright purchase and on a lease basis, for the replacement of the official vehicle for the Lord Mayor and delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to accept the most advantageous tender received.



Tenders for the Supply and Delivery of Annual Supplies pdf icon PDF 138 KB


            The Committee approved the commencement of tendering exercises and delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to accept the most advantageous tenders received in respect of the following:



Indicative Costs Per Annum


Period of Contract

Supply of bottled water


1 year, with 2 years optional renewal


Supply of Mains Fed Water


1 year, with 2 years optional renewal


Provision of a Courier Service


1 year, with 3 years optional renewal


Supply and Delivery of Promotional Items


1 year, with 2 years optional renewal


Hire of Machinery


1 year, with 2 years optional renewal



Approval to seek Tenders – Bobbin Coffee Outlet pdf icon PDF 557 KB


            The Committee granted approval for the commencement of a tendering exercise for the Bobbin Coffee Shop catering franchise for an initial period of one year, with two further one-year extensions, exercisable solely at the Council’s discretion, and delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to award the contract on the basis of the most advantageous tender received.




Approval to seek Tenders for the Provision of Office Furniture and Porterage Services pdf icon PDF 472 KB


            The Committee granted approval for the commencement of a tendering exercise for the provision of office furniture porterage services for an initial period of one year, with two further one-year extensions, exercisable solely at the Council’s discretion, and delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to accept the most advantageous tender received.



Approval to seek Maintenance Tenders for 2014 pdf icon PDF 571 KB


            The Committee approved the commencement of tendering exercises and delegated authority to the Director of Property and Projects, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to accept the most advantageous tenders received in respect of the following:


Goods and Services

Estimated Value

per Annum


Period of Contract

Repair, maintenance and minor works for CCTV


1 year, with 2 years optional renewal


Repair, maintenance and minor works for general metal works and small engineering



1 year, with two years optional renewal

Drain clearance and camera surveys


1 year, with two years optional renewal


Supply and delivery of ironmongery


1 year, with two years optional renewal


Supply and delivery of litter pickers


1 year, with two years optional renewal


Supply and delivery of paints and oils


1 year, with two years optional renewal


Supply and delivery of timber products


1 year, with two years optional renewal





Human Resources


            (Mrs. J. Minne, Head of Human Resources, attended in connection with these items.)



Retirement of Head of Audit, Governance and Risk pdf icon PDF 234 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Head of Audit, Governance and Risk Services had advised that he would retire from the Council later in the month.  The Members were reminded that discussions were ongoing within Government on the transfer of the planning and regeneration functions to Councils as part of the Local Government Reform.  Elections to the Shadow Council were scheduled for May, 2014, with the new Belfast City Council due to be established in May, 2015.  As part of the change process required bringing the new Council into being, the Council would have to give consideration to a new organisational structure, both in terms of governance, that is, the process by which it politically makes decisions and the officer/departmental structures which would support that.


            It was therefore recommended that interim arrangements were made to replace the Head of Audit, Governance and Risk post pending a more comprehensive review of organisational structures in the context of Local Government Reform.  The Director of Finance and Resources explained that the post of Audit, Governance and Risk Manager (PO10) reported directly to the Head of Service and it had a full deputising responsibility in the absence of the post holder.  Therefore, that post was eligible to act up to the higher graded post if required by a chief officer as per the National Joint Council scheme of conditions of service.  That was applicable to two current post holders and it was therefore proposed to seek expressions of interest to “act-up” from both those officers.  Should more than one officer express an interest in the role, a merit-based selection would take place in accordance with the organisation’s recruitment processes.


            The Committee agreed that the role of Head of Audit, Governance and Risk Services be covered through an interim “acting-up” basis and noted that the selected officer’s substantive post would be required to be backfilled on a temporary basis given the workload in that function.




Standing Order 55 – Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 131 KB


            It was reported that, in accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to him, the Director of Finance and Resources had authorised the appointment of a member of staff who was related to an existing officer of the Council.


            The Committee noted the appointment.



Interim role of Assistant Chief Executive


            (The Head of Human Resources left the meeting whilst this item was under consideration.)


            The Chief Executive reported that, following a selection process for an officer to undertake the duties associated with the role of interim Assistant Chief Executive, the Selection Panel had appointed Mrs. Jill Minne, Head of Human Resources, to undertake the additional duties.





Asset Management


Greater Ballysillan Masterplan pdf icon PDF 305 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:



“1         Relevant Background Information


1.1        Earlier this year, DSD, together with Ballysillan /Upper Ardoyne Neighbourhood Partnership and North Belfast Partnership appointed the Paul Hogarth Company to prepare a Masterplan for Greater Ballysillian.  The intention for the Masterplan, which is currently out for public consultation, is that it will be used by central and local government, community organisations and the private sector to plan investment in the area over the next 10 – 20 years. The draft Masterplan recognises that many parts of Greater Ballysillan and North Belfast face significant challenges of a social, economic and political nature


            Draft Masterplan Summary:


1.2        The study area includes, but is not limited to, the Ballysillan /Upper Ardoyne Neighbourhood Renewal Area. This area covers a wide area of North Belfast and includes the communities of Glenbank, Benview, Sunningdale, Wheatfield and Glenbryn. Geographically, the study area extends along the Crumlin Road, Oldpark Road, Cavehill Road, Westland Road and the Ballysillan Road.


1.3        The proposed draft Vision Statement is: ‘As the source of the River Farset to which Belfast owes its name, Greater Ballysillan will rise to become a vibrant and connected part of a prosperous city. Our children will be afforded access to every opportunity as they along with all residents old and new, form a positive, healthy and welcoming community, proud to call Ballysillan home.


1.4        Eight key aims and objectives are identified.

·         A Connected Ballysillan – promote strong, connected and cohesive communities with improved access to Belfast City Centre and wider region.

·         A Sustainable Ballysillan – to secure stable levels of population while increasing opportunities for employment and access to decent and affordable homes.

·         A Healthy Ballysillan – to reduce health inequalities and promote the health and wellbeing of all residents.

·         A Diverse Ballysillan – to recognise, respect and celebrate North Belfast’s cultural heritage and diversity in a way that reflects its interests of people from all sections of society.

·         An Empowered Ballysillan – support existing and encouraging new local business ventures while raising levels of educational achievement and skills base across North Belfast.

·         A Vibrant Ballysillan – develop Ballysillan as a vibrant destination for social and economic activity.

·         A Natural Ballysillan – to make better use of Ballysillan’s natural resources while protecting and enhancing its bio diversity and unique landscape setting.

·         A Welcoming Ballysillan – forge an environment which is inviting and embraces new residents and visitors from all communities.


1.5        The draft Masterplan is set out in a number of themes and proposed immediate, short medium and long term projects, as follows:


            A: Into Action: Laying the Groundwork for future regeneration.  Proposed immediate projects include:

            (i) Capacity Building – working at local level to deliver community regeneration

            (ii) Targeting Dereliction – joined up approach; priority on quick wins

            (iii) Meanwhile Uses – identifying vacant buildings suitable for socially beneficial uses

            (iv) Communication Channels – improving communication between public and community


            B: Sustainable Neighbourhoods: Supporting existing neighbourhood services. Proposed projects:

            (i) Neighbourhood Centre  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


Update on ILLUMINATE project pdf icon PDF 223 KB


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


1.1     Members will recall that the council secured over £200,000 of EU funding to install the new LED lighting features on the City Hall under the EU ILLUMINATE project. The system went live in March 2013.


1.2     In making the case for approval of the project to the Committee the business case developed by the Facilities Management Section pointed to the potential for significant cost savings and associated CO2 emissions reductions, and an assurance was given that once quantifiable data was available a report would be brought back to the Committee quantifying any savings made.


1.3     The following figures are based on a direct comparison of actual usage for a six-month period as compared with the same period last year;



Peak Load

Average Load


Old system



37 tonnes

New LED system



  4 tonnes


1.4     As can be seen from this, the new LED lighting system has reduced electricity usage by some 70%. Electricity costs to the council for the City Hall in 2012/13 were £16,720, however based on the usage reductions achieved thus far the annual cost in 2013/14 will be approx. £5,016, representing a saving of over £12,000 for the rate-payer.


1.5     In addition, the new LED low-energy lighting creates significantly less CO2 emissions and this single project has, in fact, contributed over 30% of the council’s corporate 1% reduction target for the year (approx. 48 tonnes).


1.6     The new LED lighting has also attracted a great deal of positive media and public interest. Corporate Communications confirm that the video of the ILLUMINATE launch is one of the most popular videos on the council’s YouTube channel with 4,532 views and has received the 3rd-highest number of ‘likes’ on the channel despite only being uploaded in April 2013. It is also well followed on social media postings.


1.7     In addition to the stated aims of reducing energy consumption, costs and CO2 emissions, the system was implemented on the basis that it also has the potential to enhance good relations by allowing us to mark days of particular significance to local people and communities.


1.8     Members will be aware that, in addition to the agreed schedule, the system has already been used to mark a number of additional* days, most notably:-


·         India Night

·         World Police & Fire Games

·         Child Cancer (Light it up Gold)

·         Belfast Book Festival Launch

·         Launch of Restaurant Week

·         Poppy Appeal launch

·         World Diabetes Day

·         Christmas Switch On

·         Philippine Flood Disaster

·         Holocaust Day (Jan 2014)


         * It should be noted that all of the above were approved on a ‘one-off’ basis and will not necessarily be repeated in 2014 or beyond.


1.9     All of the above were either approved by committee; were part of council organised events or related to charities nominated by civic officer holders. The one exception was the Philippines Flood Disaster where a request from the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor was received to close  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6b


Good Relations and Equality


            (Mrs. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with this item.)



Minutes of Meeting of Joint Group of Party Leaders' Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group pdf icon PDF 480 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Group of the Party Leaders Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group of 29th November and approved the following:


            Fields of Battle – Lands of Peace: Outdoor Exhibition


            The decision of the Group to grant approval in principle to the Fields of Battle – Lands of Peace: Outdoor Exhibition being displayed in Belfast during 2016, subject to the cost being reasonable and appropriate funding being made available.


            Decade of Centenaries Exhibition –

            Request from Cork City Council


            The decision of the Group to commend to the Committee that it grants authority for the loan of the Decade of Centenaries exhibition to Cork City Council, subject to the satisfactory completion of an appropriate loan agreement.


            Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth


            The decision of the Group to commend to the Committee that it agrees:


(i)      to fly the Commonwealth Flag on 10th March, 2014; and


(ii)      to establish a policy decision to fly the Commonwealth Flag each year on Commonwealth Day.




Minutes of Meeting of Good Relations Partnership pdf icon PDF 326 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 9th December and approved the following:


            Information Guide for Refugees and Advice Providers


            The decision of the Partnership to request that funding of £5,000 be made available towards the production of an information guide for refugees and advice providers.



Cross-Cutting Issues


Notice of Motion – Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill pdf icon PDF 369 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Assembly was in the process of considering Lord Morrow’s Private Members’ Bill entitled: “The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill”.  Lord Morrow’s proposed legislation contained nineteen clauses which would seek to update Northern Ireland’s laws on trafficking and prostitution.


            The Committee was reminded further that the Council, at its meeting on 4th November, had passed the undernoted Notice of Motion in support of Lord Morrow’s Bill:


      “This Council recognises that human trafficking and exploitation is a growing problem in Northern Ireland.


      It believes that existing statistics regarding the number of people trafficked in to Northern Ireland do not reflect the scale of the problem and are only the ‘tip of the iceberg’ in regard to the scale of the problem; it believes that no human being should be subjected to sexual exploitation, enforced labour or domestic servitude and condemns those who engage in human trafficking. 


      It believes that more action should be undertaken to support those who have escaped from exploitation and to punish those who exploit them; and accordingly it calls upon the Northern Ireland Assembly to endorse the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provision and Support for Victims) Bill.”


            The Democratic Services Manager advised that a detailed response had been received from the Justice Minister.  In his response the Minister had welcomed in broad terms the steps which the Council had taken to highlight the issue of Human Trafficking and Exploitation.  He had pointed out also that, whilst he might have significant concerns with certain aspects of the proposed legislation and had alluded to those within his correspondence, he stated that it was his intention to work constructively with Lord Morrow to address any concerns whilst the Bill was under consideration by the Justice Committee.





Alderman Hugh Smyth


            The Chief Executive advised the Committee that he had received, earlier in the week, a letter of resignation from Alderman Hugh Smyth, with effect from 31st December, 2013.  He advised the Members that he would be discussing the matter with the Lord Mayor in order to mark the occasion appropriately.



Mrs. H. Francey


            The Committee was advised also that Mrs. H. Francey had indicated her intention to retire from the Council in February, 2014.  The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mrs. Francey for the work she had undertaken to further good relations issues within the City during her time in the post of Good Relations Manager.