Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Mac Giolla Mhín and McVeigh.





            The minutes of the meetings of 15th and 18th May were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council, at its meeting on 1st June, subject to the rejection of the decision under the heading “Applications for the Use of the City Hall for Events Associated with the Decade of Centenaries”; the Council accordingly approved the use of the City Hall by the 36th (Ulster) Division Memorial Association for an event to mark the formation of the Young Citizen Volunteers of Ireland.



Declarations of Interest


            The following declaration of interest was reported:


(i)   Councillor Hanna declared an interest in respect of Item 3(b) Requests for the Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality.



Review of the Council's Policy on the Publication of Reports


            Following a number of concerns expressed by Members in relation to the publication of reports on the internet and the timeliness of the receiving of hard copies by Members, the Chief Executive undertook to submit a report thereon to the Committee in August.



Transforming Your Care - A Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland- Request to Present to Committee pdf icon PDF 74 KB


            (Mrs. S. Toland, Head of Environmental Health attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee was reminded that, in December, 2011, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety had published a document entitled: “Transforming Your Care: A Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland”, which proposed far reaching changes to the delivery of health and social care over the next five years.  The report contained ninety-nine recommendations for improvements in the quality of care and required a shift of resources of £83 million across Northern Ireland from hospital to community-based services.  It would include an investment of £70 million in transitional funding to enable the new model of care to be implemented.  It recognised that quality must be improved within a fixed budget.


            The Head of Environmental Health explained that crucial changes would include the extension of personalised care, enabled through the holding of care budgets by clients themselves, the establishment of Integrated Care Partnerships, involving General Practitioners, Community Pharmacists, Health and Social Care Trusts, other agencies and the community and voluntary sectors.  One of the opportunities was the ability to access funding for the development of new facilities in the community, thus building on the current network of health and wellbeing centres.  That would allow General Practitioners to co-locate with nursing, social work, therapists, pharmacists, advice centres and others to work in an integrated way.


            The Belfast Local Commissioning Group and the Belfast Trust had been asked to lead the development of a Population Plan for the City which would deliver the new model in partnership with all those who had made a contribution to health and social care.  The Plan must be submitted by 22nd June and Mr. Iain Deboys, the Commissioning Lead, had now requested an opportunity for representatives of the Group and the Trust to present initial proposals to the Council before then.  Accordingly, given the light agenda and the timescale for the production of the Plan, representatives of the Trust and the Local Commissioning Group were in attendance.


            The Committee agreed to receive a presentation and Ms. C. McNicholl and Messrs. C. Donaghy and I. Deboys were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            With the assistance of visual aids, Mr. Donaghy outlined the rationale for the production of the Plan in the proposed timescale.  He reviewed the health challenges in Belfast at the present time which included, inter alia, the low health outcomes in Belfast due to deprivation, an ageing population, lengthy stays by some people in hospital environments, the changes in the workforce and outdated facilities which were not fit for purpose.  He then outlined the opportunities which existed in Belfast including a commitment to work in partnership and leadership through the Belfast Strategic Partnership; a recognition that Health and Social Care could not address many of the health issues on its own; and a diverse range of community and voluntary agencies which provided vital support at local level.


            Mr. Donaghy then reviewed the key  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3a


Council Accommodation - World Trade Centre pdf icon PDF 59 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at the Annual Council Meeting of 1st June, the following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor McCarthy and seconded by Councillor Attwood:


      “This Council agrees that it should build its own corporate headquarters which would incorporate a World Trade Centre.”


            In accordance with Standing Order 11(e), the Motion stood referred without discussion to the Committee. 


            It was pointed out that, prior to the Motion being referred to the Committee, the papers for the meeting had already been circulated and included a report on an Office Accommodation Strategy and it would be more appropriate for the Motion to be considered in that context.


          The Committee agreed that the Notice of Motion be considered in the context of the aforementioned report which appeared later on the agenda.



Review of Public Administration


Review of Public Administration Update pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0Relevant Background Information


1.1Since the last update provided to the Committee in May 2012, there has been a number of further developments in regards to the Local Government reform process, as outlined below, which Members should be made aware of.


2.0Key Issues


2.1Reform Implementation Structures


2.1.1   The Environment Minister, Alex Attwood is pushing ahead and putting in place necessary governance and implementation structures to take forward the local government reform process including:


-   Regional Transition Committee -  a political forum representing the 11 new councils (including the Chair of SP&R) and supported by CX advisors (including the Chief Executive)


-   Regional Transition Operational Board - acting in a programme management board capacity and comprising senior central and local government officials including the Chief Executive. The inaugural meeting of this group took place on 24 May 2012. Whilst DoE will issue an official minute of the meeting, which will be circulated to Members, an internal note of discussions has been circulated.


-   Task & Finish Working Groups – nine established to take forward specific operational workstreams.   DoE has recently written to all councils setting out the high-level remit for each of the Working Groups, outlining initial proposals on membership and seeking any additional nominees from councils (see Appendix 2). Clearly it will be important that the Council is engaged in these operational groups and inform the work as it is taken forward. The groups and proposed BCC officer nominations are set out below:



DoE Task & Finish

Working Group


Proposed Chair

BCC Led Officer

1.  Transfer of Functions

Peter McNaney,

CX Belfast (Chair)

Peter McNaney, Chief Executive


2.  Human Resources


Linda MacHugh Director of Local Government Policy, DoE


Jill Minne, Head of HR


3.  Finance


Ian Maye, DoE Deputy Secretary, planning and Local Government



Ronan Cregan, Director Finance & Resources

4.  Legislation


Angus Kerr, Planning Policy, DoE


Ciaran Quigley, Town Solicitor & Assistant Chief Executive


5.  Pilots &

     Community Planning



Anne Donaghy (CX Ballymena)


Suzanne Wylie, Director of H&ES

6.  Delivery Programme

Linda MacHugh, Director of Local Government Policy, DoE

Ronan Cregan, Director Finance & Resources


7.  Communications


Teresa Donaldson (CX Craigavon)


EamonDeeny, Head of Corporate Communications

8.  Systems Convergence


Liam Flannigan (CX Limavady)

Paul Gribben, Head of ISB

9.  LG Reform Joint Forum

Paul O’Brien, APSE

Head of HR


2.1.2   Each of the working Groups have been asked to initially consider and scope the range of issues which need to be progressed and to develop a work programme to delivering these.  The Committee will be kept fully informed as this work the groups evolves and any associated implications for Belfast City Council; with Members direction sought as appropriate. Members will note that a detailed work programme setting out the Councils approach to delivering local government reform will be submitted for consideration and the next Committee meeting on 22 June.




2.2.1   Statutory Transition Committees: It is understood that the Environment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Democratic Services and Governance


Change of Dates of Meetings pdf icon PDF 61 KB


            The Members were reminded that a schedule of meetings for the Standing Committees was produced at the commencement of each Calendar Year.  The Democratic Services Manager explained that the two meetings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee were normally scheduled for the first and third Friday of each month.  However, there had been occasions when the meetings had been re-scheduled due to the workload of the Committee or for other reasons.


            The Democratic Services Manager suggested that, in order to assist the decision-making process and align with the work of the Area Working Groups and the voluntary Transition Committee, the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee meetings scheduled for August and November be put back one week and that the following timetable apply:


·     Friday, 10th August at 10.00 a.m. (instead of 3rd August)


·     Friday, 24th August at 10.00 a.m. (instead of 17th August)


·     Friday 9th November at 10.00 a.m. (instead of 2nd November)


·     Friday, 23rd November at 10.00 a.m. (instead of 16th November)


            The Committee agreed to the revised Schedule of Meetings for August and November.



Requests for the Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted requests for the Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality which had been received:


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/Guests




British Council

IAESTE Annual Conference 2013 Dinner


24th January, 2013


Approximately 250 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a drinks reception

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership - strong, fair, together’, ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of wine and soft drinks


Approximate cost £500


NEET (Not in Education or Employment Training) Awards


9th October, 2012


Approximately 100 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event aims to recognise and reward the achievements of young disadvantaged people from all communities who have undertaken training and education activities to help them with employment opportunities.

The event will also highlight the work of Rathbone in promoting strong, fair communities and the support provided to young people in seeking appropriate job skills and employment opportunities.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership - strong, fair, together’, ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £250


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/Guests




Police Service of Northern Ireland

Policing with the Community Awards


12th October, 2012


Approximately 250 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event aims to recognise and reward the outstanding work which has taken place between the Police Service of Northern Ireland and communities and partners to help make Northern Ireland safe, while listening to the needs of the communities and helping to increase confidence in the Police Service.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City leadership, strong, fair and together’ and ‘Better support for people and communities’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits


Approximate cost £500

Congo Support Project

Congolese Evening


30th July, 2012


Approximately 70 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits

This event aims to promote diversity by highlighting the positive contribution that the Congolese community can make to Belfast and contribute to a shared future in Northern Ireland.

This event, which will also coincide with the anniversary of the Independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo, will showcase the history and culture of the Congolese people  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7b


Congo Support Project


            A Member sought clarification in relation to the above-mentioned event and whether it was intended to be a celebration of the Independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


            In response, the Democratic Services Manager undertook to seek clarification in respect of the matter and, if required, submit a further report to the Committee’s meeting on 22nd June.


            The Committee agreed to this course of action and adopted the remaining recommendations.



Allowances for the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and the High Sheriff pdf icon PDF 61 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Personal and Entertainments Allowances for the Lord Mayor, the Deputy Lord Mayor and the High Sheriff were normally reviewed annually.  The established practice had been that the Personal and Entertainments Allowances should take into account increases in the cost of living by increasing the allowances in line with the Consumer Price Index.


            The Democratic Services Manager reminded the Committee that last year it had referred consideration of the matter to the Budget and Transformation Panel.  That Panel had been provided with three options which were to increase the allowances by a percentage equivalent to the Consumer Price Index as at 1st May (4.5%), increase the allowances by a percentage equivalent to the District Rate increase for that year (2.95%) or not to increase the allowances for the year.  The Panel had decided to recommend that the Committee should not increase allowances for the 2011/12 year.


            The Committee, at its meeting on 17th June, 2011, had adopted the recommendation of the Budget and Transformation Panel and, accordingly, the Lord Mayor’s Personal and Entertainments Allowances for that year were maintained at £34,800 and £25,900 respectively and the Deputy Lord Mayor’s and the High Sheriff’s Personal and Entertainments Allowances had remained at £6,250 and £735 respectively.


            The Democratic Services Manager requested that the Committee consider which of the following options should be adopted in relation to the allowances to be paid to the Civic Dignataries for the 2012/13 year:


·     Option 1 – No increase in the civic allowances for the 2012/13 year;


·     Option 2 – Increase the allowances by 3%, in line with the Consumer Price Index as at 1st April; or


·     Option 3 – Increase the allowances in line with the District Rate increase for the 2012/13 year at 2.6%.


            The Committee agreed to adopt Option 1.





Request for Funding – Common Purpose Belfast pdf icon PDF 61 KB


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from Common Purpose Belfast seeking funding of £6,000 from the Council in connection with its 2012 Navigator Programme.  The money would be used to offer three part-funded places on the Programme for emerging leaders from non-profit organisations in Belfast.  Last year, the Council had funded participants from UnLtd Belfast (a charity supporting social entrepreneurs), the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children and EXTERN.  The Programme was designed to draw together local leaders, emerging leaders and senior managers from all walks of life who could potentially play a role in shaping the future of Belfast.  The Council had supported Common Purpose Belfast since its inception in 1996.


            The Director of Finance and Resources reported that the application could be considered in the context of Section 37 of the Local Government Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 which provided the Council with miscellaneous powers to make payments for special purposes.  He indicated that the application met the criteria for funding in that regard.


            Accordingly, it was


      Resolved – That expenditure in the sum of £6,000 for the Common Purpose Belfast Navigator Programme be approved under Section 37 of the Local Government Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, it being the opinion of the Committee that the expenditure would be in the interest of, and bring direct benefit to, the District and inhabitants of the District, with the Committee being satisfied that the direct benefits so accruing would be commensurate with payments to be made.



Super-Connected Cities: Business Briefing Event pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 20th January, it had agreed that the Council would lead on the bid to access money from the Government’s Urban Broadband Fund.  As part of the proposals to access the funding, the Council had submitted a bid to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport in February, 2012, showing how it would use super-connected status to drive forward growth, with particular focus on employment zones and city-wide high-speed mobile connectivity.  At this stage, the Council had been guaranteed £6 million to deliver the project but could receive up to £13.7 million.


            The Director of Finance and Resources reported that, as part of a promotional campaign, the Council would host in the City Hall on Monday, 11th June at 9.30 a.m. a “Super-Connected Belfast Business Briefing” event, to which all Members had been invited to attend.  The purpose of the event would be to inform the business sector of the Council’s plans to roll out ultrafast broadband and wireless services across the City and to explain what that meant for the businesses.  He outlined the content of the event and the speakers and the numbers which were expected to attend.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.



Use of Mobile Technology


            The Committee considered a report in relation to the use of mobile technology and agreed that a business case be developed and submitted to the Committee in August.



Tender for the Provision of Insurance Brokering Services pdf icon PDF 66 KB


            The Director of Finance and Resources sought the Committee’s permission to re-tender the insurance broking service.  He indicated that the contract would be awarded for a period of two years, with the evaluation criteria being based on both cost and quality.  He explained that, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, the contract would be awarded by himself to the most economically advantageous tender received.  He pointed out that, as the Council was now required to use the “restricted” tender procedure for insurance services, the new contract would need to be awarded by 31st October, 2012.  To facilitate that, the existing supplier had agreed to revise the expiry date of the existing contract from 31st December, 2012 to 31st October, 2012.


            The Committee approved the commencement of the tender exercise for the provision of an insurance brokerage service as outlined.



Human Resources


            (Mrs. J. Minne, Head of Human Resources, attended in connection with these items.)



Standing Order 55 – Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 108 KB


            It was reported that, in accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to him, the Director of Finance and Resources had authorised the appointment of members of staff related to existing officers of the Council.




Corporate Investors in People pdf icon PDF 97 KB


“1     Relevant Background Information


         The purpose of this report is to advise the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that following a recent Council wide assessment, Belfast City Council has achieved Investors in People as an organisation.


         The Investors in People (IIP) framework has been a key element of the Council’s Organisational Development work – we have used the framework to help build the capacity of the organisation through its people management in order that we are better placed to deliver Members’ priorities.


         Two corporate mock assessments led by HR and an external assessor and supported by the council’s internal reviewers were undertaken, the findings of which were translated into departmental improvement plans. A corporate HR and departmental HR partnership group was set up to ensure that the actions agreed in the plans were progressed.


         The Council applied for corporate IIP in April 2012 and an external assessment against the IIP framework was carried out during the week commencing 23rd April. Approximately 200 interviews were carried out with elected members, the Chief Executive, chief officers, managers, staff, trade union representatives and the corporate HR and departmental partnership group.


2       Key Issues


         Following an in depth assessment the assessors are satisfied that the council meets the requirements of the Investors in People National Standard and recommends that Belfast City Council be recognised as Investors in People organisation.


         The assessment report states that a total of 39 evidence requirements were assessed and met from the core standard and an additional 6 evidence requirements were assessed and met from the wider framework. A total of 45 evidence requirements altogether were met.


         The following are some of the key issues highlighted from the feedback. (A full copy of the report can be made available to Members from the Human Resources Section upon request.)


·     The profile of Belfast is changing and Belfast City Council is at the centre of the excellent work which is being done to make the city one of the world’s most popular venues.


·     The Investment Programme represents an exciting challenge which will help transform the lives of ratepayers, visitors and those working in the City.


·     To support the Investment Programme a comprehensive OD strategy is being implemented and there are clear signs of a change in culture and outlook amongst staff at all levels of the organisation.


·     The Core Skills Programme makes excellent use of internal experience to expose colleagues’ real life Council related learning. Participants acknowledge the CX’s commitment to the programme, often conducting the opening session, setting the programme in context.


·     Staff, generally are proud to work for the Belfast City Council and are rightly proud of the various events which have helped raise the profile of Belfast on the world wide stage.


·     Generally Belfast City Council is regarded as a ‘good employer’ as endorsed not only by the service profile of personnel but also when relatively recently appointed staff compared it to their former employer.


·     Need to continue to improve communications and management consistency.


·     The excellent work  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15a


Asset Management


Improved Security Measures – City Hall


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided details of improved security measures to the City Hall following two security breaches which had occurred in 2011.



Office Accommodation Strategy


            The Committee considered a report which outlined the rationale and the key drivers which reinforced the need for the Council to develop an Office Accommodation Strategy.  This included the need for the Council’s land and property assets to be managed strategically, the identification of accommodation as an emerging project in the Council’s Investment Programme, the Efficiency Programme, the development of the ‘Green Economy’ in Belfast, the Review of Public Administration, the future delivery of Council services, the break options on existing properties leased by the Council for accommodation, flexible working, the property market and the potential to utilise the Council’s World Trade Licence.


            Accordingly, it was proposed that an economic appraisal and options report be undertaken to fully identify the drivers, objectives and cost implications of an accommodation strategy, with the options report recommending the way forward.  Options which would be considered were likely to fall into four categories, that is, do nothing, lease and/or purchase, develop or shared delivery.


            The Committee agreed that an economic appraisal and options report be undertaken in respect of the Council’s office accommodation.



Smithfield Market Units Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB


            In accordance with the authority delegated to him, it was reported that the Director of Property and Projects had let the following unit at Smithfield Market:


·        Unit 35 – Jiani Li, 6 Irwin Crescent, Belfast at a cost of £500 per month for use as a bead shop and for jewellery making classes





Forum for Alternative Belfast, 2012 Summer School - City Hall pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from the Forum for Alternate Belfast to hold a Summer school in the City Hall from Monday, 13th till Friday, 17th August, 2012.


            The Director of Property and Projects explained that the Forum was a not?for?profit organisation which campaigned for a better and more equitable built environment in Belfast.  The Forum had been launched formally on 4th June, 2009 by a group of architects, planners and others who came together to explore the alternative ways that the City might be developed.  He pointed out that the Forum for Alternative Belfast had held three successful Summer schools in recent years.  In August, 2009 the outcome of the school was the “Missing City” map which clearly identified the empty land in the centre of Belfast.  The following year the week had concentrated on the inner City centre and last year it had concentrated on South Belfast and a long standing plan of the Roads Service to build a road potentially severing South Belfast from the City centre.


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that in the Autumn of 2011 both the East and West Belfast Partnership Boards had held discussions with the Forum about the 2012 Summer School.  It had been agreed that the school would look at both East and West Belfast and the connections to the City centre.  The study area reached as far as Templemore Avenue in the East and Dunville Park in the West.  Due to the subject matter and the Council’s relationship with the Partnership Boards, the Forum sought to hold the Summer School in the City Hall.


            The Committee approved the request from the Forum for Alternative Belfast to hold the Summer School in the City Hall in August, 2012.



Passchendaele Commemoration Event pdf icon PDF 149 KB


            The Committee was advised that a request to organise a short Lambeg drum and fyfe whistle demonstration, following a wreath-laying event at the Cenotaph, City Hall on Saturday, 28th July, 2012, had been received from the Laganvillage Somme Society.


            The wreath-laying service to commemorate the Battle of Passchendaele had been taking place at the Cenotaph for a number of years.  The service, which normally took place on the last Saturday of July, commemorated the role which had been undertaken by the 36th (Ulster) Division and the 16th (Irish) Division at Passchendaele.


            A Member indicated that his Party was content to agree to the use of the City Hall grounds for the event at this stage.  However, they would be meeting with the organisers to discuss issues around the parade route to and from the City Hall and the engagement with local residents groups.  Depending upon the outcome of that meeting his Party might have to review its decision when the matter was before the full Council for ratification on 2nd July.


            The Committee agreed to accede to the request from the Laganvillage Somme Society to have a short Lambeg drum and fyfe whistle demonstration in the grounds of the City Hall on 28th July, 2012 following a wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph.




Cross-Cutting Issues


Developing Belfast as an Age Friendly City pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


            (Mrs. Adele Faulkner, Environmental Health Officer, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Council has identified older people as a key priority under its theme of ‘Better support for people and communities’.


1.2       In Belfast 19.65% of the population is currently over 60 and it is estimated that by 2030 25% of people in Belfast will be over 65 years of age.  As a city we must plan for an ageing society and adopt our structures and services to be accessible to and inclusive of older people with their varying needs and capabilities.


1.3       The World Health Organisation (WHO) has established a global Network of Age Friendly Cities that encourage active ageing by optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people grow older.  The WHO has produced a guide and checklist to help cities assess themselves from the perspective of older people and identify how they can become more age friendly.  If a city meets this list of criteria and makes an application to the WHO it can be awarded ‘Age Friendly’ status.


1.4       Belfast Strategic Partnership (BSP) through its ‘Framework For Action to address life inequalities 2011- 2015’ highlights the opportunity to achieve an age friendly city and improve healthy and active aging. It also recognises the role of the Healthy Aging Strategic Partnership (HASP) to lead on a joined up approach to plan and deliver services for older people. HASP will form part of the mechanism for this delivery, support posts for the partnership are part funded by the Council.


1.5       On 23rd March the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed that the Council should sign the ‘Age Friendly Declaration’, the first formal step in the process towards Belfast becoming an Age Friendly City. This decision was ratified by Council on the 2nd April 2012.  The Lord Mayor signed the Declaration at the Senior Citizens Convention in the City Hall on the 15th May. The Declaration commits Belfast to participate in the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly cities and commence a 5 year cycle of continuous assessment and improvement to make Belfast more age friendly.


1.6       Under the direction of the Older Peoples All Party Reference Group, an initial baseline study was commissioned to establish how age friendly Belfast currently is and what needs to be done to enable Belfast to make an application to WHO for Age Friendly Status.   The baseline assessment was made against the 8 WHO age friendly criteria and was made from the perspective of the 103 older people (from the seniors forums) who participated in the consultation event held in Belfast Castle in early March. This study is now complete and the report is attached in Appendix 1.


            The initial study identified the main priority areas for improvement in the city for older persons to be:


1.     Community and health services, followed by

2.     Transportation, and

3.     Housing.


            The report also provides information on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


Consultation - Belfast Health and Social Care Trust: A Consultation Proposal to Reshape Maternity Services in Belfast pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust was undertaking a consultation exercise in relation to a proposal to reshape maternity services in Belfast and agreed that the matter be referred to the individual Political Parties for individual consideration and response.