Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item




            An apology for inability to attend was reported from Councillor Haire.





            The minutes of the meetings of 4th and 18th November were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st December.



Titanic Signature Project


            The Chief Executive referred to a media report by the BBC News indicating that the Titanic Signature Project could be facing a funding shortfall.  He explained that the report referred to an application by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment for a grant of £20 million from the European Union towards the cost of the building which was being queried by the European Commission.  He pointed out that, in response to the media report, the Department had indicated that the project was on course to be opened as planned on 31st March, 2012 in time for the 100 year anniversary of the Titanic’s Maiden Voyage.  The European Union Funding was irrelevant to the successful completion of the project.  If funding was not drawn down against Titanic Belfast, it would be drawn down against other projects.  The Chief Executive stated that the funding application was now being examined by legal advisors on both sides and he would update the Committee in due course in relation to any outcome.





Review of Public Administration - Update pdf icon PDF 127 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1.0Relevant Background Information 


1.1Members will be aware that the NI Executive agreed a draft Programme for Government on 16 November 2011. Contained within this agreement was a firm commitment to proceed with local government reform based on the 11 council model, with elections to shadow councils in 2014, and the establishment of the new 11 councils in 2015.  There is a commitment also to transfer key functions (e.g. planning and regeneration) to councils as part of the reform process.  The Minister for the Environment has expressed a preference for a 15 council model and wishes the decision to proceed with 11 councils to be informed by the consultation process on the programme for government.


1.2In terms of the 11 council model, the Local Government Boundaries Commissioners’ final recommendations report published in June 2009 proposed that the new Belfast City Council would increase its population base from 277,000 to 320,000 (approximately).  The new Belfast boundary would incorporate parts of the adjoining Castlereagh Borough, Lisburn City and a small part of North Down District Council area.  The number of electoral wards, and therefore councillors, would increase from 51 to 60, with an average of 40 electoral wards for the other 10 new council areas.


1.3It is understood that the proposed changes to the Belfast City Council boundary had been one of the previous areas of disagreement within the NI Executive and had impacted upon the postponement of the RPA being implemented by 2011.


2.0Key Issues


2.1Key milestones


2.1.1    Whilst further detail is still to emerge on the implementation of the local government reform (Review of Public Administration as it’s known), it is understood that the key high-level milestones include:-


(i)      By 2012/13 – put in place the necessary enabling legislation (e.g. Local Government Reorganisation Act and the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act) to enable the reform programme to happen;


(ii)     By 2012/13 – establish the necessary programme structure to manage the change


(iii)    By 2013/14 – establishment of suitable arrangements for the election of Shadow Councils in 2014 and the delivery of the implementation programme; and


(iv)    By 2014/2015 – establishment of the 11 new councils, and suitable arrangements for the transfer of powers from central government to local government.


2.1.2    Members will appreciate both the scale of the challenge of preparing for the Review of Public Administration (RPA), and the opportunity which this presents in terms of the planned transfer of key place-shaping functions such as planning and regeneration back to the Council which will further enhacen our ability to make a real and lasting difference in stimulating the local economy and improving the quality of people’s lives across the city.


2.1.3    Whilst the Council will be less effected by the convergenceissues which will be experienced by the other merging councils, we now need to restore our focus on planning for reform and, in particular, the transfer and integration of new functions.  The Council has  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2a


Improvement Collaboration and Efficiency Programme - Regional Governance Group Update pdf icon PDF 1016 KB


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update regarding the work of the Regional Governance Group in relation to the Improvement, Collaboration and Efficiency Programme, which sought to identify and explore potential opportunities for greater collaboration and joint working across the local government sector in order to secure potential efficiencies and improve service delivery.



Draft Programme for Government pdf icon PDF 153 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Purpose of the report


     The purpose of this report is to provide Members with a summary of the key issues for local government which are contained within the draft Programme for Government, the draft Economic Strategy and the draft Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland. 


     Detailed formal responses to the consultation documents will be provided for Members consideration in the New Year.   




     On 17 November 2011, the First Minister and deputy First Minister published the draft Programme for Government 2011-2015 for consultation. The document focuses on two main priorities - supporting economic recovery and tackling disadvantage.


     The draft PfG is supplemented by the NI Economic Strategy, which aims to improve the economic competiveness of the economy by increasing employment and wealth opportunities for all, and the draft Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland.


     The Investment Strategy document updates the 2008 Investment Strategy as the Assembly moves into a new budget period, highlighting the progress made to date and setting out the next phase of investment in key projects and programmes. The three documents are part of an overall programme and are not meant to be read in isolation.  As such, all three documents share a common consultation deadline of the 22nd February 2012.


     A summary of the overall aims and objectives within the Programme for Government and the draft Economic Strategy is attached at Appendix A.


Key Issues


     An initial review of the three documents presented to the NI Assembly reveals a number of key commitments which will be dependent upon local government for delivery.


     It is important that the Council is aware of these commitments and that the priorities identified within the documents are reflected in our work programmes and any publications which we may produce over the coming months (i.e. the stimulus programme and the Corporate Plan).


     The key commitments include:


-   the reform of local government with enhanced powers delivered through a reduced number of councils


-   a new framework for local government in which planning and other powers will be devolved to councils.  It is envisaged that the Planning Act (NI) 2011 will introduce operational changes to streamline planning processes to allow for faster and more predictable decision making.

-   working with councils on strategic employment strategies and encouraging business growth


-   councils to lead a community planning process and work with a range of agencies and interests to develop and implement a shared vision for promoting the well-being of their area


-   councils to manage waste, by increasing recycling, diverting residual waste from landfill, and enabling more sustainable technologies to be introduced that recover energy from the waste treatment process


-   overall contribution to the economic infrastructure – connectivity, tourism, waste management, urban regeneration


     A more detailed summary of the key issues for local government is included in Appendix B.


     The reform of local government was identified as one of the most important commitments within the Programme for Government by a panel of MLA’s at a Chief Executive’s Forum  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2c


Performance Management and Corporate Plan


Draft Investment Programme 2012-15 Update pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


            The Chief Executive submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1.0Relevant Background Information


1.1This report sets out the key issues relating to the revised ‘DRAFT Belfast Investment Package 2012-15. 


      The information in the package is DRAFT at this point, with final content dependent on the affordability limits set by Members through agreement of the rate for 2012/13.  This paper therefore needs to be read in conjunction with the rates report which sets out the implications of different levels of rate for deliverability, particularly of capital investment projects.  Should Members be minded, a final draft of the package will be presented to Committee in January 2012, in the context of the decision about the rate, with a view to launching consultation on the document in February.


      Members should note that the ‘people, communities and neighbourhoods’ aspect of the package requires further development in the light of the outcome of the Members’ workshop on this theme, held on 29th November.


      The draft document has been moved forward since it was discussed by Members on 20th September and 21st October; amendments have been made in respect of the issues raised by Members at these meetings, including the sections on:


·        Physical investment;

·        Employability and skills;

·        Procurement and

·        International relations and marketing.


2.0Key issues


2.1Content of the Draft Investment Programme


      The content of the Draft Investment Package has moved on from previous iterations in line with the comments made by Members; however, it remains a draft for discussion.  A mock up document of the draft programme is attached and a number of areas and figures are still to be finalised for example;


      Available resource – finalisation of this information is dependent on Members consideration of affordability limits in the context of setting the rate;


      Target setting – for example, in terms of potential job creation, where analysis is still being finalised to quantify all the potential employment created through the capital projects proposed in the package, the outreach work, internships and apprenticeships.  In terms of the Council’s own commitments, some of this will be dependent on the review of agency and overtime which work is ongoing.


      Microfinance – a full paper will be taken to Committee in January, outlining the potential options and implications for the Council;


      Outcome of the people and communities workshop – the content of this section need to be further updated in the context of the Members’ workshop on 29th November.


      The draft investment programme contains the following elements:


·        Introduction from the Chair of SP&R;

·        Context information about the city;

·        Principles which underpin the investment programme;

·        Physical Investment Projects


-  Council led, partnership and advocacy projects;




-  Support for Businesses and Growth (tourism, events, international marketing, supporting, businesses, procurement);


-  Support for employability and skills development (internships and placements, skills development, bursary scheme, social clauses)


People, Communities and Neighbourhoods


-  including local investment fund,  good relations, interfaces work, community support, community safety, health inequalities, renewing the routes; poverty and inequalities strategy, advice provision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3a


Rate Setting 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 104 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1    Relevant Background Information


1.1Members will recall that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in April agreed the process for setting the rate as outlined in the chart below. The purpose of this report is to outline progress made against the agreed timetable and to discuss the key issues which will need to be considered as of the rate setting process.


2    Key Issues


2.1Departmental Estimates –This is the money required by departments to deliver services and typically covers expenditure on headings such as salaries, supplies and services. The departments have all completed their estimates for 2012/13 and the final outcome is that £713,000 less will be required than for 2011/12.


2.2This reduction is mainly due to two factors:


·        £2.3m efficiencies have been taken out of the budgets as agreed by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 4 November 2011.

·        A pay rise has not been factored into the budgets for the third year running.


2.3The reduction in departmental estimates has been achieved despite significant financial pressures on departmental running costs including increased employers superannuation contributions, the impact of inflation (currently 5%) and the loss of external income in areas such as electricity generation at North Foreshore.


2.4Waste Plan – waste management costs are due to increase by some £3.7m in 2014/15 when the arc21 Residual Waste Contract commences. The council has been planning for this increase in cost through a gradual increase in the rate so to avoid a spike in the rate in 2014/15. For 2012/13, a stepped increase of £1m will be required.


2.5The net impact of the department estimates and the waste plan is that an additional £284,000 is required to cover revenue costs in 2012/13. This is the equivalent of a 0.22% increase in the rate.


2.6This provides Members with a one-off opportunity to dedicate any rate increase over and above 0.22% to capital investment and the delivery of the stimulus programme, if they so choose. 


2.7Capital Investment


·        Capital Programme – used to pay for enhancements or new assets owned by the council and paid for through a mixture of loans, grants, capital receipts and one-off payments. The current capital programme is financed through an annual budget of £10m .This budget is sufficient to meet the current capital spending plans of the council which will peak in 2015/16. 


·        City Investment Fund – used to finance investment package schemes for non-council assets and paid for through cash generated from the rates or capital receipts. Currently, £3m from rates go into the fund every year. By 2014/15 there will be £11m in the fund net of current commitments. The number of schemes which can be delivered as part of the stimulus package will be limited by the amount of cash in this fund.


·        Local Investment Fund – used to fund neighbourhood capital projects for non-council assets. There is £2.5m in the fund. There is an opportunity to add £2.5m to the fund  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4a


Local Government Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 Update pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


            The Director of Finance and Resources submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


1.1    Members will recall that at the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the 4 November 2011, a report was presented which provided an overview of the implications of the new local Government Finance Act (NI) 2011.


1.2    The Act introduces a new capital financing system and sets out the legislative framework within which the council may manage its finances. This report provides an update on the programme for the development of council policies and prudential and treasury management indicators which will support the rate setting process for 2012/13 and in future years.


2       Key Issues


2.1    The Local Government Finance Act (NI) 2011 and the supporting Prudential and Treasury Codes produced by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), require the council to adopt certain financial policies which support of the rate setting process and the management of the council’s financial affairs.


2.2    The Director of Finance and Resources is also required to report to Members on the robustness of the annual estimates and provide key financial information in the form of prudential and treasury management indicators as part of the rate setting process.


2.3    The following table provides the timetable for the presentation of reports to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in relation to the Act. The reporting schedule has been structured to provide the proposed policy documents to the December 2011 committee (and these have been included as an appendices to this report), with reports providing specific financial information being presented at the January 2012 meeting in order that they can be considered alongside the 2012/13 rate increase. Finally, the financial regulations will be updated and presented to the March 2012 committee meeting.


Table 1

Finance Act Reporting Timetable




Meeting Date


Treasury Management Policy Statement

9 Dec 2011

Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement

6 Jan 2012

Report on 2012/13 Estimates

3 Feb 2012

Prudential Indicators

6 Jan 2012

Annual Treasury Management Strategy

6 Jan 2012

Revised Financial Regulations

3 Feb 2012


3       Recommendations


3.1    Members are requested to:


·       Agree the timetable for the presentation of new policy documents and financial information to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.

·       Approve the draft Treasury Management Policy Statement (Appendix A)

·       Approve the draft Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement (Appendix B).


Appendix A


Belfast City Council

Treasury Management Policy Statement

December 2011


1.       Introduction


1.1     This policy statement is based on the Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services produced by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and outlines the arrangements within Belfast City Council for ensuring the proper management of the Council’s investments and cash flows, its banking and money market capital transactions; the effective control of risks associated with those activities; and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.


2.       Scope of Treasury Management Activities


2.1     Belfast City Council defines its treasury management activities as:-


·       the management of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4b


Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Social Investment Fund - Consultation Response


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0    Relevant Background Information


1.1    The Executive agreed in March 2011 to the establishment of the Social Investment Fund.  The 4 strategic objectives of the Fund are:


­   Build Pathways to Employment by tackling educational under achievement and barriers to employment; tackling skills deficits and promoting jobs brokerage, widening access to the labour market, promoting business start up and increasing sustainability through social enterprise.


­   Tackling the systemic issues linked to deprivation including poor mental and physical health (suicide and self harm), young mothers, substance abuse, community safety, children and young people at risk, physical health and enhancing community capacity, confidence and partnership working to end deprivation.


­   Increase community services by regenerating and community services by regenerating and refurbishing existing facilities and providing play facilities and environmental improvements.


­   End dereliction and promoting investment in the

physical regeneration of deprived areas.


There is more detail on the anticipated provision included in the consultation document (available at:


          The period for public consultation closes on Thursday 23 December.


1.2     There are 4 investment zones proposed in Belfast: Greater North (CEP areas); West Belfast and Greater Shankill Taskforce area; Greater East (inc. North Down and Ards); and Greater South (inc. Lagan Valley).  All areas within the zones will not automatically be included; it will be determined by previously identified areas of high deprivation.


1.3     Each Social Investment Zone will establish a steering group which will comprise community, political, statutory agency and business representatives.  The Steering Group will identify and make recommendations on all the proposed areas to be included in the strategic plan. The document outlines 4 options for the establishment of the Steering Group.


1.4     Each area plan will comprise a range of themes and priority actions/projects, to be delivered over 3 years, and based on the 4 strategic objectives of the Fund.  It is proposed that only one strategic area plan will be brought forward from each zone.  Each Steering Group’s strategic plan should reflect the needs across the entire zone, be able to demonstrate community support, is impact-focussed and should encourage a collaborative approach.


1.5     The funding available under SIF is both revenue and capital.  The split is:


                    2011/12        2012/13       2013/14    2014/15  

Resource     £8m              £10m           £11m       £11m


Capital         £0m              £10m           £15m       £15m


          Any funding not spent in Year 1 will be re-profiled over years 2,3 and 4 of the project therefore ensuring the Fund remains at £80million overall.


          It is anticipated that Year 1 will include a development phase to build capacity within communities, develop area plans and to establish the local arrangements for delivery.


2.0     Key Issues


2.1     A response to the consultation has been prepared, following discussion with the elected Members.  Further to this, a roundtable meeting with the Area Partnership Boards and the Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships was convened to explore the strategic direction and implementation of the Fund in Belfast.  Their comments have been reflected in this response.


2.2     Broadly speaking, the Council commends OFMDFM's commitment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4c


Democratic Services and Governance pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Requests for the Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality:


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/





Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure

DCAL – Outline of priorities and opportunities

21st December, 2011

Approximately 200 attending

Use of the City Hall

This event aims to provide a platform for the Minister and staff of the Department to look ahead and plan for the Department's priorities and opportunities over the next two years. 

Much of the event will showcase the vibrancy and ambition of Belfast, by specifically focusing on the recent refurbishment of the Lyric Theatre and Cultúrlann McAdam Ó'Fiaich Centre; the opening of the MAC in January, the Olympic and Para-Olympic torches coming to Belfast in 2012; the opening of the Titanic Signature project also in 2012; the World Police and Fire Games in 2013; and the major capital investment in three Belfast stadia - Casement Park, Ravenhill and Windsor Park.

Use of the City Hall


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/





Due to the intrinsic relationship between these projects and the Council, the Department will be extending invitations to Members of Council and relevant Officers who would find attendance at the event useful.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success’

Irish Amateur Swimming Association (Swim Ireland)

Awards Evening and Dinner

14th April, 2012

Approximately 200 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of a pre-dinner drinks reception

This event seeks to provide and opportunity for Swim Ireland to formally recognise the successes of groups and individuals within the swimming fraternity.

The event also aims to bring together clubs and individuals from all sections of our community in recognising the achievements of the many people involved in swimming.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’, ‘Better support for people and communities’

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks

Approximate cost £500

Girlguiding Belfast

County Awards Ceremony for young people and leaders

10th May, 2012

Approximately 150 attending

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits

This event seeks to recognise the achivements of Guides and their Leaders.  Awards being presented include Queen’s Guide, Duke of Edinburgh, Baden Powell Award for Guides and Long Service Awards for Leaders.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership, Strong, Fair and Together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success’.

The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits

Approximate cost £375


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date - Number of Delegates/





Belfast City Centre Management

‘Liverpool One : A best practice event’

25th January, 2012

Approximately 100 attending

The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a


Conflicts of Interest Policy for Members pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that in March, 2011, the Audit Panel had recommended that the Committee approve the conflicts of interest policy for Councillors.  Consideration of the policy was subsequently deferred by the Committee at its meeting on 18th March.  The reason for the deferral was for further information to be provided on the role of Members on Outside Bodies, how that impacted upon their membership of Council Committees and the indemnity for Members serving on such Outside Bodies.  Following the Local Government Elections in May and as part of the development of the Council’s constitution, the time was now considered to be right to seek to introduce the conflicts of interest policy.  A report, together with the draft policy, had accordingly been submitted to the Committee on 18th November.  At that meeting, the Committee had agreed to defer until its meeting in December consideration of a policy to enable the Political Parties to give due consideration to the matter.  Subsequent to the meeting, the draft policy was circulated to the Party Leaders.  However, at the time of re-issuing the report no comment had been received.  Therefore, in accordance with the Committee’s decision the draft policy had been submitted to the Committee for consideration.


            The Assistant Chief Executive reported that, in order to clarify the issues for Members, it was suggested that the approach to be taken should have two distinct but complementary parts.  The first report, which was included at Appendix 1, dealt with the establishment or register of Members’ interests and gave advice on when and how a Member should declare a private pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest at a Council or Committee meeting.  The report specifically excluded any advice on the matter of the declarations of interest which might arise due to the membership which a Councillor might hold on an Outside Body, to which they had been appointed by the Council.  That matter, together with the broader issues of the roles of Councillors on Outside Bodies and the indemnity issues which might arise, would be dealt with in a subsequent report. 


            The Democratic Services Manager explained that the establishment of a Register of Members’ Interest would take a little time to implement given that a pro-forma registration form would need to be signed, some initial training would need to be provided to Members and time would be required for Members to complete and return forms.  Given the timescales involved it would be prudent to establish the Register with effect from 1st April, 2012.  The policy, as it impacted upon the declaration of interests at Committee meetings, if approved by the Committee and endorsed by the full Council on 4th January, could be implemented with effect from 1st February, 2012.


            Accordingly, the Committee agreed:


(i)      to approve the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Councillors, a copy of which is set out below;


(ii)     to establish the Register of Members’ Interests with effect from 1st April, 2012;


(iii)    that the policy, as it would affect the declarations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5b


Election Accounts - May 2011


            The Committee was advised that there was a requirement for the Election Accounts for the running of the Local Government Elections in May, 2011 to be notified to the Council.  The total cost of the elections was £343,578 as compared with the cost of £274,975 for the Local Elections in 2005, an increase of £68,603.  That increase was due principally to higher postage costs of £23,742 and an increase in staffing costs of £37,315.  A full statement of expenditure in respect of the Elections is set out below:




   Postage to Candidates’ Election addresses


   Postage to Council Counting staff


EONI Postage cost


Count Training








Use of Polling Premises




Hire of Equipment


Printing, Transport and Stationery


Ballot Papers


Transport (Translink)




Count Staff


Poll Staff









Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland - Spring Seminar pdf icon PDF 70 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland was holding its Spring Seminar in County Cavan on 10th and 11th February, 2012.  The conference theme was “Local Government – Renewal and Development”.  The focus of discussion at the event would be how Local Government could be reformed in order to bring it closer to local communities.  The keynote speaker at the conference would be Minister Phil Hogan TD, Minister of Environment, Community and Local Government.  The approximate cost per delegate of attending was £501.


            The Committee authorised the attendance at the Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland Spring Seminar of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Council’s representatives on the National Association of Councillors, Northern Ireland Region, the Democratic Services Manager (or their nominees) and a representative of each of the Parties on the Council not represented by the aforementioned Members.



Member Development Charter


            The Democratic Services Manager reported that the Council had been awarded the Member Development Charter, the first local authority in Northern Ireland to receive such an award.  He expressed his gratitude to the Members and officers involved in helping the Council achieve the award.


            The Committee noted the success and recorded its appreciation to those officers in Democratic Services, Gareth Quinn and Julie Lilley, and in Human Resources, Jill Minne and Lisa Rogan, for the work which they had undertaken.



Human Resources


Standing Order 55 - Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 109 KB


            It was reported that, in accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to him, the Director of Finance and Resources had authorised the appointment of a number of persons who were related to existing officers of the Council.


            The Committee noted the appointments.



Asset Management


North Foreshore Development Brief pdf icon PDF 107 KB


            The Director of Property and Projects reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 19th August, it had granted approval to publicly advertise a Development Brief for a site of up to 39 acres at the North Foreshore site for Leisure/Cultural type uses.  The exercise was the second step in regard to expressions of interest enquiries which the Council had received earlier in the year as it followed through on its waste, leisure and environmental industrial approach to the overall site.


            He reported that expressions of interest had been received from two local developers and the Development Brief had been aimed to test the reality of those proposals and any new submissions by requesting of the developers full financial details, track records, legal standing and the benefits to the Council and the Cityof their proposals.  The brief had been advertised both locally and in Europe with a closing date of 21st November, 2011.


            The Director of Property and Projects advised the Members that at the closing date no positive responses had been received.  He stated that the two original developers who had responded to the expression of interests call did respond as follows:


·        ILS Limited, which had originally proposed a seven acre park of leisure attractions, had decided not to proceed; and

·        Durnien Limited, which was acting for an overseas fund and consortium, had proposals for a major sports complex, including a stadium for Crusaders/Newington, together with a digital film post production facility, had also declined to submit a bid.


            However, since Council officers had last met with them Durnien Limited representatives had firmed up their proposal and had indicated that the company required a larger site than that proposed in the development brief.  To avoid the risk of a bid for a larger site being contested it did not wish to make a submission within the current process.  Durnien Limited and its client remained committed to the scheme and would like to facilitate a meeting with the Council and relevant Ministers from the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure, the Department for Social Development and the Department for Enterprise, Trade and Investment to explore what options now existed and had requested such a meeting in writing.


            The Director suggested that, since the development brief exercise had now been completed, the offer of a meeting should at least be taken up as there was substantial investment and job creation associated with the proposal in the range of £180 million investment and 2000 jobs if it proved viable.


            After discussion, the Committee acceded to the request for a meeting and agreed that the Department of the Environment’s Planning Service be included in such a meeting.



Former Grove Leisure Centre Site pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1     A report was brought to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 21 October 2011 regarding the demolition of the former Grove Leisure Centre.


1.2     Members had agreed to progress with the demolition of the building; to undertake an updated report on a needs analysis for business accommodation and incubation space in Belfast in order to inform future use options for the site; to take forward discussions with BELB regarding any scope for joint consideration of disposal/development options for both the Council site and the adjacent former schools site and subsequently take a report back to Committee with proposals for future use options for the site.


1.3     At the request of Alderman Browne the decision was, however, taken back for further consideration by the Council on 1st November.


1.4     At the request of elected Members from the area the Director of Property and Projects has subsequently met with various elected Members from the area and the DSD Minister, Nelson McCausland.  There were concerns that demolition of the building may lead to problems of anti social behaviour or illegal dumping at the site particularly if there was no agreed future use.


1.5     It is now being proposed that a workshop be convened in the New Year to explore development opportunities at both this site and also at other sites in this area and to agree a way forward. The suggested participants at the workshop are to include BCC, BELB, DSD, NIHE, DRD, and other interested parties.


2        Key Issues


2.1     It is proposed that a workshop is convened in the New Year to consider the potential for a joined up approach to development opportunities for both the BCC site at Old Grove as well as other potential development sites in close proximity. Suggested attendees of the workshop to include BCC, BELB, DSD, NIHE, DRD, PLACE and other interested parties as appropriate.  The Director of Property & Projects has arranged a scoping meeting with BRO officials


2.2     The politicians only want the demolition option considered following the outcome of the workshop, which will be reported back to Committee for further instruction.


2.3     Officers would recommend that we continue to have the needs analysis for business accommodation & incubation space in Belfast updated, in order to inform future use options.


3        Resource Implications


          As set out in the attached Strategic Policy and Resources Committee minutes of 21 October 2011.


4        Equality and Good Relations Considerations


          None at this time.


5        Recommendations


          Committee is asked to approve:


(i)    The holding of a workshop in early New Year to consider the future development opportunities and options for the former Grove Leisure Centre site as well as other potential development sites in this area. Proposed attendees at the workshop to include BCC, BELB, DSD, DRD, NIHE, PLACE and other interested parties.


(ii)    Demolition of the former Grove Leisure Centre building to be further considered following the outcome of the workshop.


(iii)   In order to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7b


Glen Road Development Framework pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update in relation to the Glen Road Development Framework and indicated that a proposed pre?consultancy community event had been planned for early December and that Members of the Committee would be invited to attend the meeting of the Development Committee on 24th January, 2012 at which a presentation would be made by representatives from the Department of Social Development and its consultants.



Project Management - Construction-Related Consultancy Services pdf icon PDF 110 KB


            The Director of Property and Projects reminded the Committee that the Project Management Unit comprised staff from varying construction disciplines but required the engagement of consultants to provide construction-related consultancy services to supplement, and work under the direction of, the in-house resource in the delivery of projects.  He explained that the framework agreements which had previously been set up for consultancy services had now expired and, consequently, consultants had recently been procured on a project by project basis.  However, each of those procurement exercises was time?consuming which was wasteful of resources and did not bring any potential of economies of scale or benefits of earlier involvement and longer term collaborative working, which could be achieved through framework agreements.


            He stated that the Capital Programme was dynamic and depended on the scale and nature of emerging projects and the availability of financial resources, with funding frequently becoming available at relatively short notice (in terms of overall construction and development programming).  Projects were increasingly becoming subject to stringent funding conditions, time constraints and planning requirements and, to gain maximum benefit, construction consultants needed to be engaged in project development from early inception/feasibility stages.  To facilitate that, the Project Management Unit proposed to set up a range of framework agreements for construction-related consultancy services, including, amongst other things, architectural, civil/structural engineering, building services engineering, cost management, Construction Design and Maintenance Co-ordinator and landscape architecture, to run for a period of three till four years.


            The Director indicated that the frameworks would be neither guaranteed (no services might be required) nor exclusive but occasionally there would be a requirement for specialist construction-related consultancy services to be separately procured for particular projects where necessary, such as the proposed Girwood Community Hub or the Waterfront Hall Convention/Exhibition Centre.  The potential for other local authorities to take advantage of those frameworks was also being explored and those flexibility options would be built into the tender/contract conditions.


            The Committee approved the invitation of tenders and delegated authority to the Director, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, to award contracts in respect of construction-related consultancy services for frameworks or specific projects, as detailed above, on the basis of the most economically advantageous tenders received and evaluated on cost and quality criteria.



Capital Programme Scheme pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that the Parks and Leisure staff had been working for some time in progressing three schemes under the Sport NI Community Capital Programme:


·        mountain Bike Trail at Barnett Demesne/Mary Peter’s Track

·        a 3G Pitch Soccer at Marylebone Millennium Pitch

·        a 3G Pitch at Hammer Open Space


            The Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 10th November, had agreed to enter into management and land agreements in respect of the bodies involved in each project and to the satisfaction of sports NI as a principal grants funder.  The Committee had agreed also to recommend to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that the minimum necessary financial capital contribution be made to each of the three projects, up to a maximum overall funding allowance of £375,000, and that the allocation of money to each particular project include a degree of flexibility as necessary to assist each club to achieve its project outputs.


            The Director of Property and Projects explained that the Council’s process would include a short ‘gate’ review of the business case for each project, which would assist in determining the final costs and assist also in the funding allocation.  He stated that the Director of Financial Resources had indicated that there was sufficient finance available to allocate the required funding for those asset-enhancing schemes using revenue contributions.


            The Committee approved the scheme for inclusion in the Capital Programme and agreed to make available the funding as outlined.



Acquisitions and Disposals pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


Re-purchase of Land at Loop River


            In accordance with Standing Order 60, the Committee was advised that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 6th December, had agreed to the re?acquisition of a small portion of land of approximately 0.106 acres from Trinity Housing Limited at Loop River Open Space.  The acquisition, which was at nil cost to the Council, simplified the Roads/Footway adoption process and marginally enlarged the Council’s land holding at the Loop River Open Space.


            The Committee approved the acquisition.



Proposed Contractors' Compound at Andersonstown Leisure Centre


            The Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 6th December, had also approved the grant of a Licence in respect of land to be used as a Contractors’ Compound at the Andersonstown Leisure Centre in connection with improvement works being carried out as part of an Environmental Improvement Scheme along the Andersonstown Road.  The Licence would be for a period of approximately ten months and command a fee of £100 per week.


            The Committee approved the proposed Licence Agreement.



Licence Agreement at Musgrave Park


            The Committee was advised that the car park at Musgrave Park had been developed by St. Brigid’s Gaelic Athletic Club in order to facilitate club members and visitors using the adjoining pitches, which were covered by a Facilities Management Agreement with the Council.  A Planning Assessment of the car park and adjoining lands had been undertaken, which had advised that the land might have commercial development potential and it had recommended that the Council keeps its options open and does not commit to any permanent development on that part of Musgrave Park pending the outwork of the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan Public Inquiry process.


            At its meeting on 15th October, 2009, the Parks and Leisure Committee had agreed to grant a Licence Agreement to St. Brigid’s Gaelic Athletic Club for temporary use of the aforementioned land for car parking and for the installation of temporary changing accommodation, subject to detailed terms being agreed and reported back to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.  It had only recently been possible to agree the overall terms of the proposed Licence Agreement which are set out hereunder:


·        The terms of a proposed Licence Agreement with St Brigid’s Gaelic Athletic Club have now been agreed for temporary use of an area of land for car parking and installation of temporary changing accommodation.


·        The proposed duration is for 2 years and month to month thereafter. This will provide an opportunity to review the arrangements following the outcome of the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan process.


·        St Brigid’s Gaelic Athletic Club will carry public liability insurance for Club Members and visitors over the area outlined red on the attached map and the right of way shown shaded yellow. The club will be responsible for all losses or claims associated with any temporary changing accommodation installed by the club on this area. The Council will carry its normal public liability insurance in respect of other users across the whole of Musgrave Park.


·        A Licence fee of £60 per month has been agreed, subject to review after 3 years. If the Licence continues beyond this period it will become subject to annual review to take account of inflationary increases.


·        St Brigid’s Gaelic Athletic Club to be responsible for all repairs to the temporary changing accommodation and to keep the surface of the parking area in good order and repair. The Council is to be responsible for graffiti removal from the outside of the changing accommodation.


·        The limited term licence agreement retains the relevant land within Council control and retains potential for asset realisation in the longer term.


            The Committee approved the grant of the Licence Agreement on the terms outlined.



Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that the Development Committee, at its meeting on 14th September, had agreed to recommend entering into a new eighteen-month lease for the Ballymacarrett Recreation Centre with the Connswater Community and Leisure Services Limited, with an option on the part of the Council to extend for a further eighteen months, subject to approval of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


            The Committee granted the approval sought.



Good Relations and Equality


            (Mrs. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with these items.)



Minutes of Meeting of Good Relations Partnership pdf icon PDF 72 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 20th November.



Meeting of the Joint Group of the Party Leaders Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group pdf icon PDF 123 KB


            The Committee approved and adopted the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Group of the Party Leaders’ Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group held on 2nd December.