
Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall

Contact: Carolyn Donnelly, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Routine Matters






Declarations of Interest


Committee Site Visits pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Notification of Provision/Removal of Accessible Parking Bays


Provision at 79 Cavendish Street pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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Provision at Cuba Walk adjacent to Scotch Row pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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Planning Appeals Notified pdf icon PDF 91 KB


Planning Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 228 KB


Live Applications for Major Development pdf icon PDF 114 KB


Committee decisions that have yet to issue pdf icon PDF 141 KB


Miscellaneous Reports


WITHDRAWN: Draft Planning Committee Operating Protocol


Advanced Notice of Listed Buildings - 14 Carolan Road, 86 Lisburn Road, 88 Lisburn Road and 50 Windsor Avenue pdf icon PDF 309 KB

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Delegation of Local applications subject to a NIW objection pdf icon PDF 324 KB

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Planning Applications previously considered


LA04/2020/0568/F & LA04/2020/0569/LBC - Demolition of building and structures at rear, refurbishment and alteration of frontage building and erection of 9 storey extension to rear to form hotel (74 bedrooms) with associated restaurant, bar & ancillary facilities and works (amended description). Demolition of building and structures at rear, part demolition to internal features, refurbishment and extension to listed building (amended description). - 21 Queen Street. pdf icon PDF 2 MB


LA04/2022/2103/F - Proposed change of use and redevelopment of the existing waste management facility and adjoining plant hire business to create a new waste disposal installation for the incineration of healthcare and hazardous waste streams and associated works. - 1 and 2 Duncrue Pass. pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


LA04/2019/0081/F - Erection of 12No. apartments (social/affordable housing units comprising 3No. one bed & 9No. two bed) with provision of community pocket park, car parking, landscaping and all associated site and access works (Amended site location plan / site layout) - Lands at former Maple Leaf Club, 41-43 Park Avenue. pdf icon PDF 1 MB


LA04/2020/2325/F - Proposed erection 21no. dwellings (social/affordable housing units comprising 17no. townhouses and 4no. semi-detached), car parking, landscaping and all associated site and access works (Amended drawings, additional information) - Lands at former Maple Leaf Club, 41-43 Park Avenue pdf icon PDF 1 MB


LA04/2024/1020/F - Proposed change of use from dwelling (C1) to 3 Bedroom HMO (Sui generis) including partial demolition of existing rear extension to create new flat roof, fenestration changes and new roof light window to front (amended proposal description). - 6 Paxton Street pdf icon PDF 798 KB


WITHDRAWN: LA04/2024/1623/F - Change of use from 4 bed dwelling (C1) to 5 bed House of Multiple Occupancy (Sui Generis) - 49 Woodcot Avenue.


LA04/2023/2557/F - 260 no. dwellings, children's play area and other ancillary and associated works - Lands East of Meadowhill, North of Glencolin Court, North and East of Glencolin Rise, East of Glencolin Grove, North and West of Glen Road Rise, and North of Glen Road Grove pdf icon PDF 3 MB


New Planning Applications


LA04/2024/0626/F - Erection of 104no. residential units across two detached blocks [ranging between 3 and 5 storeys] including 84 no. Social Rented Housing Units (comprising a mix of General Social Housing and Category 1 over 55's accommodation), landscaping, communal and private amenity
space, ancillary cycle and car parking provision, and other associated site works - 1 Havelock House Havelock Place. pdf icon PDF 4 MB


LA04/2024/1138/F and LA04/2024/1141/DCA - Demolition of existing buildings and construction of Purpose Built Multi Storey Managed Student Accommodation (821no. rooms) with additional Short Term use outside of term time. Proposed heights of between 6-9 storeys and associated shared/ancillary spaces with ground floor retail/retail service units, resident's gym/cinema and ancillary development/uses. (Amended Description) - Lands including and to the rear of 24-54 Castle Street, 2-6 Queen Street, 1-7 & 21 Fountain Street pdf icon PDF 2 MB


LA04/2023/4405/F - Redevelopment of existing storage sheds, temporary office structures and yard area to provide new replacement Analytical Services Laboratories - Westland House, 40 Old Westland Road pdf icon PDF 1 MB


LA04/2024/0122/F - Proposed mixed use development comprising of 62No. social housing units (mix of dwellings and apartments) and a new children's centre, car parking, landscaping, open space and all associated site and access works. - Former Belfast Metropolitan College Campus, Whiterock Road. pdf icon PDF 1 MB


LA04/2024/0475/F - Renewal of planning permission ref: LA04/2018/1755/F. New 7 classroom primary school and single unit nursery on the former site of the now demolished Ulidia Primary School. Existing site entrances to be retained and used for site access with proposed car parking, bus parking and drop off, footpaths, boundary treatment, and hard and soft play areas. - Ulidia Resource Centre, Somerset Street. pdf icon PDF 632 KB


LA04/2024/1591/F and LA04/2024/1593/DCA - Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a two-storey replacement dwelling with accommodation in the roof, new garden store, widened site access, new gates and pillars and associated site works. - 20 Deramore Park. pdf icon PDF 798 KB


LA04/2024/1744/LBC - Installation of metal gates to the Titanic Memorial Garden at the ground of Belfast City Hall - Belfast City Hall, 2 Donegall Square North pdf icon PDF 644 KB


LA04/2023/3691/F - Public realm scheme: Reconfiguration of Little Patrick Street to single lane carriageway, including localised shared space, traffic calming and restricted access to enable servicing / emergency access. Traffic calming measures provided to Little York Street. Other works to include installation of planters with integrated seating, tree planting, rain gardens, bespoke lighting pillars, catenary lighting and surface improvements. (Amended Plans and Information Received) - Little Patrick Street and Little York Street. pdf icon PDF 1 MB


LA04/2024/1046/F - Erection of a store to be used as a workshop for Eurobins. - Duncrue Complex, Duncrue Road pdf icon PDF 449 KB


LA04/2024/2016/F - Erection of a life-sized statue of Rory Gallagher on the existing patio area to the side of Ulster Hall - Ulster Hall 30 Bedford Street pdf icon PDF 798 KB


Restricted Items


Quarter 2 Finance Report

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