Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer  028 9027 0549

No. Item




            The minutes of the meetings of 5th, 16th and 19th March were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st April, subject to:


(i)   the omission of the minute of the meeting of 19th March under the heading “Finance – Budget Monitoring Report” which, at the request of Councillor Rodgers, had been referred back to the Committee to enable further consideration to be given to a report on the appropriate level of financial reporting which should be made to Committees on a regular basis;


(ii)  the omission of the minute of the meeting of 19th March under the heading “Publication of Information on Payments made to Council Officers” which, at the request of Councillor D. Browne, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration;


(iii)the omission of the minute of the meeting of 19th March under the heading “Members’ Declarations of Interest” which, at the request of Councillor McCausland, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration; and


(iv)the amendment of the decision of 19th March under the heading “Request to Address the Council – Unison Northern Ireland” to include representatives from other Trades Unions representing the Council workforce being invited to the Committee meeting.



Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 52 KB

(To consider further the minute of the meeting of 19th March which, at the request of Councillor Rodgers, was taken back to the Committee for further consideration.)


            The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 19th March under the heading “Budget Monitoring Report”.  An extract of the minute in that regard is set out hereunder:


      The Director of Finance and Resources submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted report:


‘Relevant Background Information


      The Strategic Policy and Resources Committee needs regular updates on capital and revenue expenditure throughout the year.  The most recent report on the 2009/10 position was presented in December 2009. This report updates Members on the current year’s position at Period 10, the forecast outturn for the current year and reserves position.


Key Issues


      Revenue Budget Position to January 2010


      BCC has a net departmental budget of £106m for the period to January 2010.  Outturn for the period is £103.1m giving an under-spend for the period of £2.9m.


      Forecast Outturn


      The forecast out-turn for 2009/10 reported at period 7 was an under-spend of £1.6m, after the application of some £2.3m to fund the council wide voluntary redundancy exercise. At period 10, the current forecast under-spend for 2009/10 has increased to £1.9m, an increase of some £300k from the previously reported position. There have been several factors that have contributed to the £300k improvement in the forecast, most notably the improvement in the forecasts for both the Development and Parks and Leisure departments, which were mitigated by a reduction in the forecast income from LPS.  Such movements are to be expected given the size of the BCC total budget.


      Impact on Reserves


      As reported at SP&R Committee on 20th November 2009, the planned reserves at the end of 2009/10 were £2.7m (after planned contributions from reserves of £2.4m to ease the rate burden). If the forecast under spend of £1.9m above is achieved, this would lead to reserves at 31 March 2010 of £4.6m (compared to £5.3m at 31 March 2009).  This is some £300k higher than the position used to inform the rate setting exercise for 2010/11 and therefore does not represent a significant change.


      A paper on the strategy for replenishing the reserves in 2010/11 and future years was taken to SP&R on the 11th December 2009. As a result of this, a contribution to reserves of £4.5m was included in the 2010/11 rate, of which some £1m could be used to fund the capital programme.


      Capital Programme 2009/10


      The draft Capital Programme for 2009/10 and future years outlines total budgeted expenditure for the year of £12.3m.


      Capital expenditure for the period to 31st January 2010 amounts to £13.9m. The most significant areas of expenditure were Ulster Hall Major Works of £2.077m and City Hall Major Works of £3.1m.


      Forecast Capital Out-turn 2009/10


      The total actual capital expenditure for 2009/10 is forecast to be £18.3m. This is £6m over the approved budget and relates mainly to an under spend of £5.1m in 2008/09 that has rolled forward into 2009/10.


      There have also been a number of new schemes added to the capital programme since the original  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Publication of Information on Payments made to Council Officers pdf icon PDF 86 KB

(To consider further the minute of the meeting of 19th March which, at the request of Councillor D. Browne, was taken back to the Committee for further consideration.)



            The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 19th March under the heading “Publication of Information on Payments made to Council Officers”.  A copy of the minute in this regard is set out hereunder:


      The Committee considered the undernoted report:


‘Relevant Background Information


      Members will recall that the Committee, at its meeting on 19th February, 2010, agreed to the following revised headings under which the details of Councillor’s allowances and expenses would be published:




         Special Responsibility

         District Policing Partnership

         Transition Committee

         Civic Dignitaries Personal Allowances



         Subsistence (including the cost of accommodation and

            out of pocket expenses)

         Travel (by public transport or car)

         Conference Fees


         Travel and Other Miscellaneous Claims

         Mileage, etc., to and from meetings

         Home Phone Rental/Broadband Fee

         Hands Free Car Kits


      At the Council meeting on 1st March, concerns were expressed in relation to a perceived differential in respect of the information being published for Councillors and that being published for officers and it was agreed that a report be presented to the Strategic Policy & Resources Committee setting out the extent of the information included currently in the Council’s Publication Scheme in relation to payments made to Council officers and comparing and contrasting this with the information to be published in relation to elected Members.


Key Issues


      At its meeting on 19th September, 2008, the Committee approved the publication of costs incurred by the Council as a result of employees attending events outside of Northern Irelandso as to demonstrate the Council’s commitment to accountability and openness.


      This information, which is published annually, details payments made to employees in connection with expenditure incurred on travel which is outside their day?to?day operational duties.


      The following details are included:


·         Department

·         Job title and staff number

·         Date of event

·         Description of event

·         Event location - for example, Great Britain, Republic of Ireland, Europe or Rest of World

·         Travel Costs

·         Accommodation and subsistence - hotel and meal costs

·         Gross cost - the total cost before any deductions are made in respect of funding received from external bodies

·         Percentage actual funding - the percentage of any external funding received, for example, EU funding or charges to customers

·         Funding body - organisation which provided the external funding

·         Net cost


      The following table illustrates for comparison purposes the information which is published currently in relation to payments made to Councillors and those made to officers:






Special Responsibility

District Policing Partnership

Transition Committee

Civic Dignitaries Personal Allowances

(Members identified individually by name)

Salaries and Wages

This information is published within the Annual Financial Report in respect of the number of employees within specific £10,000 salary bands from £50,001 upwards.

(This information does not identify individual officers either by name or employee number)






Subsistence (including the cost of accommodation and out of

pocket expenses)

Travel (by public transport or car)

Conference Fees

(Members identified individually by name)

Conferences/Visits (outside of Northern Ireland)

Subsistence (including the cost of accommodation and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Members' Declarations of Interests pdf icon PDF 45 KB

(To consider further the minute of the meeting of 19th March which, at the request of Councillor McCausland, was taken back to the Committee for further consideration.)



            The Committee considered further the minute of 19th March, under the heading “Members’ Declarations of Interest”.  A copy of the minute in this regard is set out hereunder:


      The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 1st March, had agreed that a Notice of Motion on Members’ Declarations of Interest be referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for consideration and report.


      The Head of Committee and Members’ Services explained that there was no doubt that the public in general and the press and media in particular were focusing more than ever before on the behaviour of all publicly elected representatives.  That could be demonstrated by the protracted press reporting of the expenses which Members of Parliament claimed and the subsequent damage which had been caused to the public perception of the democratic process.  The Council had recognised that increased public scrutiny and had agreed recently to revise and enhance the information which was published on payments made to Members.


      He pointed out that another area of public life where scrutiny by the press and media had been increasing over recent months was the requirement for elected representatives to be seen not to seek personal advantage by virtue of the public office which they held.  For Councillors elected to local Councils that was dealt with under the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972, whereby Councillors were expected to declare both pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any matter being considered by the Council and, where such an interest existed, not to take part in the discussion or vote on the matter. 


      The Head of Committee and Members’ Services explained that Members of the Council had been abiding by that principle.  However, Members were increasingly being asked to represent the Council on a range of Outside Bodies and it was not always clear when such membership gave rise to pecuniary or, more frequently, non-pecuniary interests.  It was accepted that the guidance available to Members in helping them to determine when such an interest existed was somewhat sparse and not easily understood and it was considered that the issuing of a Members’ Guide to Declarations of Interest would help Members to ensure that they always abided by the highest principles of behaviour in public life and would provide practical assistance to Members. 


      The Head of Committee and Members’ Services indicated that there was another related but separate matter which the Council might wish to give some consideration to which was the possibility of publishing a Members’ Register of Interests, which would require Members to declare all business and other interests which they held.  Such registers were used in Westminster, in the Northern Ireland Assembly and in most Councils in England and Wales.


      The Committee agreed the draft Guide to Members’ Declarations of Interest be submitted in the first instance to the Audit Panel, together with a report on the steps to be taken to establish a Members’ Register of Interests, with a view to such  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Human Resources


Representatives from Trades Unions


            The Committee agreed to defer until a future meeting the receipt of a deputation from the Trades Unions in relation to the pay freeze for Local Government workers.



Standing Order 55 - Employment of Relatives pdf icon PDF 108 KB


            It was reported that, In accordance with Standing Order 55 and the authority delegated to her, the Director of Finance and Resources had authorised the appointment of a number of individuals who related to existing officers of the Council.





Minutes of the Meeting of the Budget and Transformation Panel pdf icon PDF 61 KB


            The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of the Budget and Transformation Panel of 15th April.





Review of Financial Reporting to Members pdf icon PDF 115 KB


            The Committee was reminded that the Council, at its meeting on 1st April, had agreed that consideration be given to a report on the appropriate level of financial reporting which should be made to Committees on a regular basis.


            The Director of Finance and Resources pointed out that financial reports were provided currently to Members on a regular basis.  However, it had been recognised that that could be further enhanced and that there was a need to ensure that consistent information was available across the Council for Members’ consideration.  The future financial reporting needs of the Council were already being reviewed by officers as part of a number of proposed financial improvement projects which would be submitted for consideration to the Budget and Transformation Panel and the Committee in future months.  It would be important that any changes to financial reporting were supported with appropriate training and guidance, if required.  It was important also that financial reporting was seen in the context of the wider performance management of Council activities.


            The Director explained that the Chartered Institute of Finance and Accountancy’s Statement of Professional Practice indicated that “the objectives of financial reporting are the production of accurate, complete, relevant, timely and reliable information to demonstrate and maintain accountability, to meet statutory reporting requirements, to account to an organisation’s stakeholders for financial performance and to support decision making”.


            The Director explained that, in order to meet that objective in the context of Members’ information needs, it was proposed that issues such as the content and timing of reports, the role of the Committees and training needs would be discussed with Members over the coming months.


            Accordingly, it was recommended that:


(i)   the Director of Finance and Resources work with the Budget and Transformation Panel and the Party Groupings on the Council during May and June to discuss the key issues which had been raised in this report;


(ii)  specific recommendations on financial reporting be submitted to the Committee for consideration in June; and


(iii)financial reports be made available from the end of the first quarter in 2010/2011.



Request for Funding - Common Purpose Belfast (Bursaries) pdf icon PDF 118 KB


            The Committee was advised that a request for financial assistance in the sum of £6,000 had been received from Common Purpose Belfast in connection with its 2010 Navigator Emerging Leaders Programme.  The application sought support to fund three bursaries for course applicants, usually from the community or voluntary sector, who were unable to meet the participation costs.  The Programme, which had in the region of thirty to thirty-five participants per year, was designed to draw together local leaders, emerging leaders and senior managers from all walks of life who could potentially play a role in shaping the future of Belfast.  The Council had supported the organisation since its inception in 1996 through hosting elements of the Programme, the funding and participation of one Member and one officer on an annual basis and providing bursaries for candidates selected by the Common Purpose Programme Board.


            The Director of Finance and Resources reported that, until 2008, the Council had funded two bursaries.  However, in view of the other demands on resources and the fact that Common Purpose had benefited from support for some considerable time, the Council did not fund any bursaries in 2008 and had provided for one bursary only in 2009.


            The Regional Director of Common Purpose Belfast had written recently to the Council seeking support for the 2010 Programme.  She had emphasised the importance of the Council endorsing the Programme and had outlined the following reasons for an increase in the number of bursaries requested:


(i)   the need to develop strong leadership skills and collaboration to enable Belfast to prosper beyond the current economic downturn;


(ii)  the need to create and promote partnership working; and


(iii)the need to learn from best practice internationally as provided by linkages to Common Purpose programme participants in England and in India.


            The Programme evaluation amongst Councillors and staff who had attended the Common Purpose course had concluded that they were generally highly regarded and deemed beneficial to the Council.  Against this, the Council was aware of pressures on resources and might wish to curtail expenditure on Common Purpose courses to Members and Council staff only.


            In light of the above information, it was recommended that the Committee consider the following options:


(a)  accede to the request for £6,000 in respect of three part-funded places for emerging leaders from the community and voluntary sector in Belfast; or


(b)  agree to a lesser amount of £2,000 to enable one part bursary to be funded; or


(c)  revert to the position which had been adopted in 2008 whereby the Council had not supported the bursaries in view of the current budget restrictions and its existing commitments to Common Purpose.


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor McCann,

Seconded by Councillor C. Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt Option (a).


            On a vote by show of hands seven Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared carried.


            Accordingly, it was


      Resolved – That expenditure in the sum of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6b


Infrastructure to Deliver Housing Benefits Services for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive


            (Mr. P. Gribben, Information Services Portfolio Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered a report which outlined the commercial arrangements currently in place to provide IT services to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.  The services included provision of Housing benefits, Rate Relief and Lone Pensioner Allowances to claimants across the region.  The Committee was advised that a refresh of the infrastructure was required to ensure that service quality was maintained and that the arrangements allowed for flexibility to upgrade hardware quickly to keep pace with legislative changes and software upgrades.


            The Committee considered the proposals and adopted the recommendation to enter into a twenty-four month rental agreement.



Transition Committee Business


Northern Ireland Local Government Association - Update pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.0     Relevant Background Information


1.1    Members will recall that the Committee had previously agreed, at its meeting on 19th February 2010, that the Council would continue to engage with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association and that its subscription contribution for 2010/2011 would be based on the following conditions:


1.     calculation of subscription payment would be based on  population based and not penny rate product; and

2.     that NILGA enter into an outcome based Memorandum of Understanding which would provide a framework for NILGA and the Council to work in a spirit of collaboration to deliver them


2.0    Key Issues


2.1    Council officers have been engaged in ongoing discussions with NILGA officials to progress the proposed development of an effective MOU.  It has been suggested that such an approach be broadened and considered within the context of an overall route and branch review of the future role of NILGA and its relationship with its constituent councils including a strengthened performance framework.


2.2    Furthermore, the Chief Executive of NILGA has recently resigned to take up a new post as Director of the NHS Confederation and it would be the intention that this post will also be considered as part of a wider review of NILGA.


2.3    It is understood that the NILGA Office Bearers would intend to commission an independent review of the post of Chief Executive and set within the context of the potential future role of NILGA. It is also understood that NILGA would intend to establish a sectoral task group (with BCC representation) to oversee and input into this process. 


2.4    Members will note that NILGA has requested the direct assistance and support from the Council, in terms of both procurement and HR advice, in progressing such work.  In addition, NILGA has written to BCC party group leaders seeking bilateral meetings with its Office Bearers to enable wider information sharing and discussions on this issue.


   NILGA Annual Plan and Subscriptions


2.5    The Council has recently received correspondence from NILGA which set out proposals in regards to its draft business plan for the period 2010/2011 and proposed increase in annual subscription.  It should be noted that the business plan has been drafted in the context of the issues raised above and, therefore has a focus on strengthening relationships with councils, developing a customer focused approach to service delivery and has identified the need to review and redesign NILGA as a prioritised activity.


2.6    The business plan is also heavily focused on the role of NILGA in supporting the effective delivery of the RPA process and the modernisation of local government.  Clearly, the degree of focus on such areas will be dependent upon whether or not the RPA progresses as currently scheduled. The business plan should therefore be a living document and subject to ongoing review. 


   Subscription Fee


2.7    NILGA has also informed the Council that it has been agreed that its total annual subscription fee for the period 2010/2011 would increase by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7a


Corporate Plan and Performance Management


Corporate Plan Update 2010/2011 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


            (Mrs. S. McNicholl, Strategic Planning Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report in relation to the Corporate Plan update for 2010/11:


“Purpose of the report


1.   To present, for approval, information about the Corporate Plan update for 2010/11.




2.   As Members are aware, the corporate plan is refreshed annually on the basis of up to date performance and activity information, new financial parameters and any pressing external factors. This is the final year of the current corporate plan and therefore the last refresh that will take place before the creation of the new plan that will take the organisation forward from 2011.  As such, the strategic themes and objectives of the organisation, set by Members in 2008, have remained largely the same between 2009/10 and 2010/11; however the actions and performance measures aligned to the themes and objectives have been updated to ensure that they remain relevant and continue to be consistent with Members’ priorities for the city. 


Update of Corporate Plan 2010/11 – Appendix 1


3.   Appendix 1 to this report (a copy of which has been circulated) contains the information that will form the basis of the corporate plan update for 2010/11.  As in previous years, a public-friendly version of the update will be produced, including appropriate corporate messages, a summary of achievements to date and information about Council services and Members of Council, this will be placed on the Council’s website.   


4.   The updated corporate plan is based upon information in departmental plans which have been brought to individual Committees for approval during March and April. In this way it is connected to service delivery across the Council.  All actions and performance measures within the corporate plan are also in relevant departmental plans; allowing Members to see clearly where responsibility rests at Chief Officer level for the implementation of the plan. The departmental plans for the Chief Executive’s Department, Finance and Resources Department and Property and Projects Department form a separate item on the Committee’s agenda for this meeting.  The corporate plan has been updated to also reflect the focus that the Committee has placed upon efficiency and value for money in the year ahead.


Implementation of the corporate plan – performance management


5.   Reports will be brought to the SP&R Committee on the implementation of the plan on a regular basis throughout 2010/11.  These reports will provide updates on how projects within the plan are being progressed and on performance against the indicators which the plan contains.


Development of the new corporate plan 2011 and beyond


6.   As previously mentioned, this is the final year of the current corporate plan which means that over the coming months Members will lead the development of a new corporate plan for 2011 and beyond.  This will be a key activity for the Committee, which has responsibility for setting the overall strategic policy, direction and priorities of the Council, in the months ahead.  Work is already underway to support Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8a


Departmental Plans 2010-2011


Chief Executive's; Finance and Resources; and Property and Projects pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that the Council’s Performance and Planning Framework required all Departments to prepare Plans which linked to both the Corporate and Service Plans and outlined the key tasks which the Departments would be delivering during the next year.


            The content of the Plans reflected the key supporting actions contained within the Corporate Plan 2008-2011 and provided a mechanism to enable the Committee and senior managers to performance manage the key work of Departments in line with the Corporate Plan.  In addition, they should assist managers and officers in the relevant Departments to take decisions and allocate resources in line with the agreed objectives and activities.  Departments would provide regular updates to the Committee on the progress of their Plan and key work as appropriate.


            The Committee approved the Department Plans for the Chief Executive’s Department, the Finance and Resources Department and the Property and Projects Department.  A copy of the key achievements for 2009/2010 and the key actions and performance indicators for 2010/2011 as detailed in the Plans for each of the Departments is set out hereunder:


Chief Executive’s


“6.0   Key Achievements 2009/10


        Better Leadership


        Key achievements


·           Contributed to the preparation of the Council for RPA focusing on those issues which relate to the department’s functions – communications; legislative consultation, operational and financial issues affected by proposed boundary changes/functions transfer

·           Commenced and supported the delivery of the Peace Plan to meet expenditure targets working with SEUPB to maximise the value of available EU funding

·           Organised a successful ‘hate crime’ conference and commissioned a new training programme

·           Prepared for an updating of the inter-agency Good Relations Plan for Belfast in anticipation of delayed OFMDFM strategy 


        Better Care for Belfast’s Environment


        Key achievements


·           Significant progress on preparation of North Foreshore for further development

·           Settled funding documentation for use by the Council in its role as Lead Partner of COMET

·           Took a lead role in providing corporate legal advice to Arc 21 and the relevant bodies

·           Significant progress on land acquisition for Connswater Greenway project

·           Completion of major contract documentation in relation to large waste disposal and recycling contracts


        Better Opportunities for Success


        Key achievements


·           Lead role in relation to funding agreement for TSP


        Better Support for People and Communities


        Key achievements


·           Shaftesbury Recreation Centre – resolving major legal impediments and the extension of the Shaftesbury Recreation Centre

·           Supported the introduction of 5 on-line transactional services for the public

·           Working with all departments to ensure that good relations principles are mainstreamed into all aspects of Council service.

·           Introduced RSS feed to deliver news and updates to media as website is updated to give timely and accurate information to the public (especially valuable during incidents such as flooding)

·           Enabled Lord Mayor to improve communication through a weekly blog

·           Surveyed Councillors to ensure that we aligned our communication approaches with their desire to keep in contact with the views of their electorate on council services


        Better Services


        Key achievements


·            Nine structural reviews to implement the Review of the Centre proposals and other  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Democratic Services and Governance


Filling of Casual Vacancies on District Councils pdf icon PDF 106 KB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 20th November, 2009, it had responded to a consultation paper entitled “Filling Casual Vacancies on District Councils” which had been issued by the Northern Ireland Office.  The consultation paper had sought to examine proposals for reforming the process used currently in Northern Ireland for the filling of casual vacancies arising on District Councils.


            The Head of Committee and Members’ Services reported that, following the consultation process, the legislation governing the filling of casual vacancies on District Councils in Northern Ireland had been amended by the introduction of the Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 (Amendment) Order 2010, which provided that vacancies arising on or after 1st April, 2010 would be filled by Party nomination, thus avoiding the need for the holding of By-Elections.  That would mean that when a letter of resignation from a Councillor had been received by the Chief Executive, he would advise the Chief Electoral Officer who would then contact the appropriate Party nominated Officer to request that a replacement be nominated.


            The Head of Committee and Members’ Services reported that he had, the previous day, received a copy of the Guidance Notes issued by the Northern Ireland Office in relation to the operation of the legislation and he would be circulating this to the Party Group Leaders in due course.


            He pointed out that, while there was a limited role for the Council to play in the process, it would be important to set out for the Members’ information the process which would apply in the future.  Accordingly, he suggested that the following procedure be adopted:


·         when a letter of resignation from a Member of Council is received by the Chief Executive, he shall, within twenty-four hours, write to both the Chief Electoral Officer and the other Members of the Council advising of the vacancy which has arisen;


·         when the Chief Electoral Officer has obtained from the appropriate Nominating Officer the name of the replacement and when that person has completed the Declaration against Terrorism, the Chief Electoral Officer will advise the Chief Executive of the Council of the details of the appointment.  The Chief Executive shall, again within twenty-four hours of receiving this information, notify in writing the remaining Members of Council and appropriate Council officers of the name of the replacement; and


·         the replacement Councillor would fill the places left vacant on the Committees on which the departing Councillor had been a Member.  If any change in Committee membership were required, that could be reported to and approved by the Council at any subsequent meeting.


            The Committee approved the process which would be applied to the filling of Casual Vacancies in the future.



Membership of the Housing Forum pdf icon PDF 116 KB


            At the request of Councillor D. Browne, the Committee agreed to defer until a future meeting consideration of a report in relation to the membership of the Housing Forum.



Appointment to the Lyric Theatre Education Advisory Panel pdf icon PDF 109 KB


            The Committee was advised that correspondence had been received from the Chairman of the Lyric Theatre inviting the Council to nominate two Members to the newly established Lyric Theatre Education Advisory Panel.  The role of the Panel was to oversee the education and outreach operations of the Theatre’s Creative Learning Department, which was a core area of activity for the Theatre, particularly at this stage in its development.


            The Head of Committee and Members’ Services reminded the Members that the Council, following the Local Government Elections on 5th May, 2005, had determined through the application of the d’Hondt System of proportionality its representation on a large number of Outside Bodies.  Those nominations had been approved formally at the Annual Meeting on 26th May.  A total of 90 such appointments had been made in that way across a range of organisations.


            He reminded the Committee further that, at its meeting on 19th August, 2005, in considering the nomination of a Member to make application to represent the Council on the Drainage Council for Northern Ireland, it had authorised him to continue the application of the original d’Hondt process to determine the Party Groupings which would be entitled to appoint nominees to any subsequent invitations of a similar nature which might be received during the Council term.


            Accordingly, under the current system for determining appointments to Outside Bodies, the next two choices fell to the Ulster Unionist and Democratic Unionist Party Groupings.


            The Committee approved the appointment of one Member from each of the aforementioned Party Groupings as the Council’s two representatives on the Education Advisory Panel of the Lyric Theatre.



Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland - Annual Conference 2010 pdf icon PDF 109 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland was holding its 97th Annual Conference in Buncrana, County Donegal from 9th till 11th September.  The theme of the Conference was “Local Government for the Future” and the agenda would include sessions on Local Government in Europe, democratic accountability for the health services and the future of Local Government.  It would be opened officially by John Gormley, T.D. and it was expected that a number of high profile Local Government spokespersons from all Political Parties would be in attendance.  The approximate cost per delegate of attending was £591.


            The Committee agreed that it not be represented at the Conference.



Notice of Motion re: St. Gall's Gaelic Athletic Club pdf icon PDF 105 KB


            The Committee agreed to defer until its meeting scheduled to be held on 21st May consideration of a report in relation to a Notice of Motion regarding St. Gall’s Gaelic Athletic Club which had been referred to the Committee by the Council.



Requests for the Use of the City Hall and the Provision of Hospitality pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was informed that the undernoted requests for the use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality had been received:


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date – Number of Delegates/ Guests







Queen’s University Belfast

Questor Industrial Advisory Board Conference

11th May, 2010

Approximately 100 attending


The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre?dinner drinks reception.

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £400

Queen’s University Belfast

Food Integrity and Traceability Conference 2011

22nd March, 2011

Approximately 200 attending


The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre?dinner drinks reception.

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £800

Belfast Solicitors’ Association

The Belfast Solicitors’ Association Tri-partite Conference

2nd April, 2011

Approximately 200 attending

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre?dinner drinks reception.

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Theme of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £800


Organisation/ Body

Event/Date – Number of Delegates/ Guests







Systematics Association

Systematics Association Biennial Conference

7th July, 2011

Approximately 300 attending

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre?dinner drinks reception.

Delegates will be staying in accommodation in Belfast and the conference will take place within the city.

This event would contribute to the Council’s Key Themes of ‘City Leadership – Strong, Fair, Together’ and ‘Better opportunities for success across the city’.


The use of the City Hall and the provision of hospitality in the form of red/white wine and soft drinks.

Approximate cost £1,200

Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau

Ambassador Programme Reception 2010

2nd June, 2010

Approximately 140 attending

The use of the City Hall and the  provision of hospitality in the form of a pre?dinner drinks reception.

This event seeks to acknowledge the vital role played by local ambassadors in attracting national and international conference to the city.  These conferences  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11f


Armed Forces Day pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 24th April, 2009, it had considered a request from the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff on behalf of the Ministry of Defence for the Council to fly the Armed Forces Day flag for the week commencing 22nd June.  The Committee had agreed not to accede to the request. However, the Council, at its meeting on 5th May, had rejected the decision of the Committee and had agreed that, in accordance with existing Council policy, the request to fly the Armed Forces Flag at the City Hall be acceded to but that approval be for one day only.


            The Head of Committee and Members’ Services reported that a letter had been received from the Chief of the Defence Staff making a similar request for the flying of the Armed Forces flag at the City Hall from 21st till 26th June this year.  As in 2009, the Ministry of Defence had offered to provide the Council with the flag.  The existing Council policy on the flying of flags allowed for flags other than the Union Flag to be flown on specific occasions.  For example, the Cross of St. Patrick was flown on 17th March, the European flag was flown on Europe Day on 9th May and the Red Ensign was flown on National Merchant Navy Day on 3rd September each year.


            There were a number of options open to the Committee which were:


(i)   to accede to the request from the Ministry of Defence for the Armed Forces Flag to be flown at the City Hall for the period from 21st till 26th June; or


(ii)  in line with the decision which had been taken last year, to accede to the request but to limit the period during which the flag be flown to the Armed Forces Day itself, that is, 26th June; or


(iii)to refuse the request.


            The Head of Committee and Members’ Services explained that it was now clear that requests for the flying of the Armed Forces Flag would continue to be received on an annual basis and the Committee might also wish to determine a policy for future years so that it would not be necessary for individual requests to be brought before the Committee year on year.


Moved by Councillor M. Browne,

Seconded by Councillor C. Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt Option 3, that is, to refuse the request.




Moved by Councillor Newton,

Seconded by Councillor D. Browne,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt Option 1 and accede to the request from the Ministry of Defence for the Armed Forces Flag to be flown at the City Hall for the period from 21st till 26th June.


            On a vote by show of hands seven Members voted for the amendment and eight against and it was accordingly declared lost.


            The original proposal standing in the name of Councillor M. Browne and seconded by Councillor C. Maskey was thereupon put to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11g


Gaeltacht Quarter Steering Group - Annual Conference 2010 pdf icon PDF 117 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Gaeltacht Quarter Steering Group was holding its Annual Conference in Coláiste Feirste, Belfast on Friday, 14th May.  The theme of the Conference was “The Destiny Decade – 100 Years On” and would, amongst other things, explore:


·         the challenges and opportunities of asset-based community development;

·         the benefits of a radical approach to education infrastructure planning; and

·         how regeneration could contribute to and benefit from the good relations agenda.


            A number of expert speakers from the public, private and academic sectors would address the Conference.  In addition, a political perspective would be provided by Martin McGuiness, MP, MLA, Margaret Ritchie, MLA and Gerry Adams, MP, MLA.  The cost per delegate of attendance at the Conference was £75.


            The Committee agreed that any Member of the Committee who so wished, together with appropriate Council officers, be authorised to attend the Conference.



Asset Management


London 2012 Olympics - Position of Live Sites Screen pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


            (Mr. G. Copeland, Events Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 23rd October, 2009, it had agreed that a Live Sites Screen should be placed in the grounds of the City Hall for a three year period.  The screen, which would be supplied by the London 2012 Olympic Games organisers at a cost of £500,000 to the Games, would be part of a series of Live Site LED screens located in regional Capitals and key cities.  The Development Committee had agreed to allocate £20,000 per annum for the three year duration in relation to the maintenance and security of the screen.  Subsequently, the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee had agreed that an appraisal be undertaken of all possible sites in the grounds of the City Hall for the location of the Live Sites Screen in order to ascertain the most appropriate location.


            The Events Manager reported that, after detailed consultation with the Council’s Property and Projects Department, it was recommended that the 25 square metre screen should be positioned facing in from Donegall Square West.  That location had been recommended in order to overcome any possible difficulties in relation to the planning application.  The pertinent issue was that if the screen was located at the Donegall Square East end of the grounds it would affect traffic flows by diverting drivers’ attention due to the images being relayed.


Moved by Councillor N. Kelly,

Seconded by Councillor C. Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to approve the recommended location, that is, Donegall Square West, for the positioning of the Live Sites Screen in the grounds of the City Hall.


            On a vote by show of hands eight Members voted for the proposal and one against and it was accordingly declared carried.



Continental Market


            The Committee was advised that this item had been withdrawn from the agenda.





Request for the Use of the City Hall - Mammoth Screen Northern Ireland


            The Committee was informed that a request had been received from Mammoth Screen Northern Ireland seeking permission to use the City Hall as a backdrop for a television documentary.  The drama, which was being made for the British Broadcasting Corporation, would tell the story of the author Christopher Isherwood and the time he had spent in 1930s Berlin while writing the book “Goodbye to Berlin” which inspired the musical “Cabaret”.  The company would be filming outside the Scottish Mutual Building on Donegall Square South on Sunday, 16th May at approximately 8.00 a.m. and, in order to convincingly recreate Berlin at that time, it was proposed that swastika flags be hung from the second floor windows of the City Hall.  The applicant appreciated the sensitivity surrounding such an issue and therefore planned major publicity exercises to ensure that the public would know that the flags were being displayed for filming purposes only.


            The Director of Property and Projects explained that the film company had requested also to film a second scene in the courtyard of the City Hall.  That would involve a scene which took place in the Opera House Square in Berlin when the Nazis had burned books.


            During discussion in the matter, several Members expressed concern in relation to the late submission of the request and pointed out that every effort should be made to ensure that the Members were aware of the content of issues to be raised at the Committee meetings.  A number of Members pointed out that the Council had been keen to promote the City as a film-making location and had recognised the economic benefits associated therewith.  In addition, it was recognised that the nature of the film industry required such requests to be made at short notice.


            After further discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor C. Maskey,

Seconded by Councillor M. Browne,


      That the Committee agrees to accede to the request by Mammoth Screen Northern Ireland for the use of the City Hall as outlined for the filming of its drama entitled “Christopher and his Kind”.


            On a vote by show of hands nine Members voted for the proposal and four against and it was accordingly declared carried.



Use of the City Hall Grounds - Belfast Festival at Queen's


            The Director of Property and Projects reported that a request had been received from the Belfast Festival at Queens to use the City Hall west lawn as a venue for the Chopin “Sound Traveller” Pavilion from 11th till 31st October, 2010.


            The Director pointed out that the pavilion would be constructed from inflated translucent polyester with aluminium framing and, when lit, would have a Chinese Lantern effect.  The pavilion would be open from 10.00 a.m. until 7.30 p.m. daily and admission would be free.  The audience capacity would be 40 at any one time and it was anticipated that 5,000 people would visit the pavilion during its stay.


            The organisers would be required to provide the usual necessary assurances in that:


·         an appropriate level of indemnity in respect of loss, damage or personal injury would be provided for the Council;

·         the impact on the normal operation of the grounds would be minimal; and

·         all incidental costs associated with events, including additional stewarding costs, would be borne by the organisers.


            The Committee agreed to accede to the request by the Belfast Festival at Queen’s for use of the City Hall grounds for the purpose outlined, subject to the Director of Property and Projects being satisfied as to the level of indemnity and other necessary safeguards and obligations being provided by the organisers.



Rent Review - Land at Tamar Street, Ballymacarrett pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that approximately 0.125 acres of land at Tamar Street, Ballymacarrett, which was held by the Development Committee, was leased to the Scout Association.  The Association held the site under a 25 year lease dated 1st October, 1994.  Under the terms of the Lease the rent for the site was to be renewed every five years.  A rent of £680 was payable currently, with a review having been due from 1st October, 2009.


            The Committee was advised that, following negotiations between the District Valuer, Land and Property Services, who was acting on behalf of the Council, and the Scout Association, a revised rent of £900 per annum for five years from 1st October, 2009, had been provisionally agreed, subject to the Committee’s approval.


            The Committee approved the revised rent of £900 per annum for the five year period from 1st October, 2009 until 30th September, 2014.



Land at Boucher Crescent pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee was advised that a Council-owned site of approximately 0.437 acres at Boucher Crescent in the Balmoral Industrial Estate had been advertised on the open market to be let by way of a long lease.  The site had been marketed by a commercial property agent inviting offers of over £35,000 per annum.  Following a bidding process with a number of interested parties, the bidding had ended at £38,000 per annum on the basis of a 125 year lease with five yearly rent reviews.  That equated to a rental of approximately £87,000 per acre which represented an extremely good return for the Council.


            The Committee approved the letting of the site at Boucher Crescent on the terms as outlined, subject to the completion of a legal agreement by the Director of Legal Services.



Capital Programme: Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park - Public Toilet pdf icon PDF 39 KB


            The Committee was advised that the Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meeting on 15th April, had considered the question of public toilet facilities at the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park.  An extract of the minute in this regard is set out hereunder:


      In accordance with Notice on the Agenda, Councillor Rodgers raised concerns in relation to the lack of public toilet facilities at the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park and referred to the Child Protection and Health and Safety issues associated therewith.  He stated that provision for the toilets had been made within the Capital Programme and requested that the Committee agree that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee be requested, as a matter of urgency, to bring the scheme forward.


      After discussion, the Committee agreed that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting scheduled to be held on 23rd April, be recommended to advance, as a ‘committed’ capital project, the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park Public Toilet Scheme, as a matter of urgency.”


            The Director of Property and Projects advised the Members that both he and the Director of Finance and Resources had been reviewing the question of affordability in terms of borrowing in respect of the Capital Programme and that a report in this regard would be submitted to the meeting of the Committee scheduled to be held on 21st May.  The report would include any other additional projects which might be advanced and the Committee could consider, at that stage, whether the Public Toilet Scheme at the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park should be progressed.





Good Relations and Equality pdf icon PDF 172 KB


            (Mrs. H. Francey, Good Relations Manager, attended in connection with these items.)


            The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of the Good Relations Partnership of 16th April and adopted the recommendations in respect of the following:


            Islamic Cultural Centre


            The Committee approved the Partnership’s recommendation that a letter be forwarded on behalf of the Lord Mayor and the Council supporting, in principle, the development of an Islamic Cultural Centre within the City.


            Peace III – The Guidelines for Building

            Positive Relations at a Local Level


            The Committee approved the commencement of a procurement exercise for consultancy support in relation to the guidelines for building positive relations at a local level.


            Peace III – Funding for Interface Work


            The Committee adopted the Partnership’s recommendations to approve:


(i)   the proposed approach for funding for interface work and to the publication of an open call for proposals for Shared Cultural Space Inter-faith and Inter-cultural Projects, in line with the proposed assessment criteria; and


(ii)  the use of external consultancy support in respect of the assessment of applications received.


            Creative Legacies Programme


            (The Chief Executive declared an interest in this item in that he was acting in the role of interim Chairman of the Belfast Metropolitan College although he hoped to be able to step down from that role in the near future.)


            The Committee approved the Partnership’s recommendations in relation to the funding of the following organisations under the Shared Public Arts Projects:


Belfast Metropolitan College                           -           £5,000

Clanmill Housing Association                         -           £5,000

Dee Street Community Centre                       -           £5,000

Donegall Pass Community Forum                 -           £5,000

Greater Shankill Partnership                          -           £5,000

North Queen Street Community Centre         -           £1,500


            The Committee approved also the reallocation of the Personal Development Budget of £10,000 to support the six Shared Public Arts Projects (£6,000) and for documenting the creative processes involved in each project (£4,000); and the extension of the Creative Legacies Programme period until the end of June, 2011.


            Suicide Awareness


            During discussion on the grants awarded under the Programme, a Member expressed concern that the application submitted by Suicide Awareness had not been awarded funding because of an omission in the application form.  He felt that more assistance could be given to such groups by officers to ensure that these types of issues did not occur.  However, he welcomed the fact that other elements of funding would be identified in order to assist the Group with their project.


            After further discussion, the Chief Executive undertook to submit to the Committee in due course a report on actions the various Council Departments were undertaking in relation to suicide awareness and prevention.




            Good Relations Plan 2010-2013


            The Committee approved the Framework and Good Relations Plan 2010-2013 and agreed that it be issued for consultation.


            International Day of Peace


            The Committee approved the holding on 21st September of an event to mark the International Day of Peace and the costs associated therewith.



Somme Resolution pdf icon PDF 107 KB


            (Councillor Adamson declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item in that he was Chairman of the Somme Association.)


            The Committee agreed to defer consideration of a report in relation to proposed amendments to the Somme Resolution to enable the Party Group Leaders and the Chairman of the Good Relations Partnership, Councillor Hendron, to consider the matter, with a further report thereon being submitted in due course.



Cross-Cutting Issues


Derry/Londonderry City of Culture 2013 Bid pdf icon PDF 113 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      In July 2009, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport launched a national competition to find the UK’s first City of Culture.


      The winning city will become the focus for national attention in 2013 and could become the focus of high profile media events, such as the Turner prize, Sports Personality of the Year and the RIBA Stirling Prize, as part of their year in the spotlight.  The successful host city will be provided with the title of UK City of Culture for 2013, with scope to tailor the UK City of Culture brand to meet the needs of that city.


      On 24th February, 2010 the Culture Minister, Margaret Hodge, announced that 4 cities had been short-listed from the 14 bidders; they are Birmingham, Derry/Londonderry, Norwich and Sheffield.


      The deadline for full and final bid documentation from the short-listed cities is the end of May.  During the summer, the advisory panel tasked with selecting the winning bid will receive presentations from the short-listed cities and will make their final recommendation to the Secretary of State by the end of the summer.


      In order to maximise the potential of producing a winning bid Derry City Council is seeking the support of the 25 other local authorities in Northern Ireland.


Key Issues


      A key element of the DerryCity Council’s bid is the benefits which will be gained not only by the city, but all areas of Northern Ireland.  It is important that this is recognised and validated by the other local authorities.  Given Belfast’s scale and influence it is of particular importance that BelfastCity Council is seen to be supportive of the Derry/Londonderry bid.


      As the City of Belfast is the principal gateway and tourist attraction in Northern Ireland a successful bid by Derry City Council will have a positive impact on Belfast as it is most likely that those attracted to Derry will also spend time visiting Belfast and other parts of the province.


      Derry/Londonderry’s range of venues are limited in terms of capacity and it is probable that any very large event secured as part of the City of Culture celebrations may have to be staged in the Odyssey Arena.


      Within the city’s campaign, there is also the opportunity for Belfast-based individuals and organisations to showcase their talent.


      DerryCity Council is very supportive of the proposals to promote Belfast in 2012 as this will form a platform for Derry/Londonderry to promote its activities the following year.


      In order to obtain the support of Belfast City Council the Chief Executive of Derry City Council has written to Belfast City Council seeking the Council’s formal endorsement for their bid and has highlighted a number of ways in which Belfast could assist their bid.


      They include:-


§         Registering the Council’s support on the City of Culture 2013 website.

§         Including a sign-off as part of Belfast  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14a


Expression of Sympathy


            The Chairman advised the Members that Councillor Lavery had just received news that his brother had died suddenly and, on behalf of the Committee extended to the family circle his condolences and deepest sympathy.